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I think the Surprise is a Bonus Disc, just like C2 had, the First Pressing of C2 had 1 Bonus Disc, so all people who bought C2 the first week and second week Probaly got C2 with a Bonus Disc, so I think its the same with Rebirth now, like a Bonus Disc with all the Leaked Tracks for Rebirth, Cause Danny said that Maybe the cause of the Pushback to 15th December was that he Re-Done it, but Idk, maybe a Poster or something with the Album, idk if hes Re-Doning it cause hes making D4 and No Ceilings...
Oh shitt..
Thats something to think about!
Nice prediction brah!
yeah, thanks Kiddale, im Gonna Pre-Order it some days before it comes incase its a Bonus Disc with the First CD's
''They say they want the drugs to stop but imma major setback when my album drop''
I think the Surprise is a Bonus Disc, just like C2 had, the First Pressing of C2 had 1 Bonus Disc, so all people who bought C2 the first week and second week Probaly got C2 with a Bonus Disc, so I think its the same with Rebirth now, like a Bonus Disc with all the Leaked Tracks for Rebirth, Cause Danny said that Maybe the cause of the Pushback to 15th December was that he Re-Done it, but Idk, maybe a Poster or something with the Album, idk if hes Re-Doning it cause hes making D4 and No Ceilings...
Oh shitt..
Thats something to think about!
Nice prediction brah!
yeah, thanks Kiddale, im Gonna Pre-Order it come days before it comes incase its a Bonus Disc with the First CD's
I feel you bro!
I might too..
Smoke good, eat good.
Only fuck a bitch if her throat good, feet good.
Just bought a fleetwood, and imma put some D's on that bitch.
Looking like i gotta diamond disease on my wrist.
i have no idea.but this year is gonna end so fuckin great!!!!!!!!! cant wait for "No Ceiling" , D4,and Rebirth n Carter 4 This is gonne be the best ever.hes gonna end this year with a cherry on the top.hes just gonna mark it and close da deal that he had 2009 on lock.2009
"Full white top cup full of codeine mix
Still eat a couple rappers for my protein bitch
I'm on my so mean shit!
And you don't know me bitch
I do it for those who did it before me bitch My goon is 'gon ride even with a slow leak bitch
And if we gettin chicken you get NOpiece bitchh"
LMFAO i think he just said that he dosen't have shit planed
i think he went back home and started think what to do for a surprise ?
"Ok, they say my girl look regular
But having a bad bitch don’t make you better bruh
And she don’t diss me like your bitch ass
She’ll let me fuck your girl and even help me spread that bitch ass" Nappy Mula Baby !
i have no idea.but this year is gonna end so fuckin great!!!!!!!!! cant wait for "No Ceiling" , D4,and Rebirth n Carter 4 This is gonne be the best ever.hes gonna end this year with a cherry on the top.hes just gonna mark it and close da deal that he had 2009 on lock.2009
how can you actually think he's gonna release C4 and D4 in 2009?
I'm thinking this "surprise" might be the same thing WeezyFan said. Maybe he's gonna add a bonus disc with the leaked material as he did with The Carter III. Whatever this "surprise" might be I'm all for it, maybe its an earlier release date, but I hihgly doubt that..I'm really hoping for the Young Money DVD to be included with Rebirth or with the Young Money compilation album. That'd be sweet ass "surprise" for everyone.
These niggas sleeping, hope they keep it in they napsack
Watch me while I'm creeping, Leave em leakin like a flapjack