I'm gonna start this off with a quote on what someone said in the 'Rare pictures thread' cos it's what made me type most of this and then I realised it would just be more appropriate in it's own topic rather than going off topic in the wrong thread.
You clearly don't know much because he was on drugs most of his life... Not sure about the syrup but the weed since he was 11 at least. So you can't argue that his stuff back then was good and he was sober because he wasn't lol....
I always hate this argument, when people want him back on drugs and then others abuse them and say drugs don't make you better he is still the same person bla bla bla.
At the end of the day, drugs and whatever he was on back in them days of him being a beast all added together and went towards his persona, along with whatever other things that were going on in his life, they were a part of him therefore did effect how he made music creatively. Not saying it solely depends on drugs him being his beasty self, but they were all part of it. I just hate it when people on here just take it completely off the table and try make people look stupid when they mention about him being back on drugs and it effecting his music.
Say a rappers dad dies (just an example)... Then he goes and makes one of the best songs in his career all emotional, lyrically amazing, just dope, then someone comes along and goes his dad dying had nothing to do with how good that song was, he can easily make something just as good if he applies himself.... Of course it had something to do with it, things that happen in some ones life, things they do, things they are on all effect what they do and what inspire them...
Now whether drugs got him in the frame of mind where he wanted to be the best, and applied himself to the best of his ability or not, it's something we will never know, so it's irrelevant someone just wiping it off the table and saying they didn't have anything to do with it.
Nobody will ever know, he could have just wanted that best rapper alive title and then after he got it, lost interest and has gone onto his skating and shit, or the drugs made him want it more deep down and if he were to get back on them, we would see more of the old Wayne. We will probably just never know. But it's just as stupid to say drugs have nothing to do with Wayne making good music as it is to say that they do.
There we go... State your thoughts and if you think I'm completely wrong or if you agree or what...
This is just what I think & I thought it's something that needed to be cleared up because it's an ongoing debate I see very often and as I said the morons who say drugs 100% have nothing to do with him making better music are just as ignorant as the people who say the drugs 100% are what make him better.
Sorry for the essay guys, hopefully this will give a good debate and something to talk about through this try spell of no Wayne music & the forums being a bit dead on good threads lately.
Originally posted by jakobe
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I always hate this argument, when people want him back on drugs and then others abuse them and say drugs don't make you better he is still the same person bla bla bla.
At the end of the day, drugs and whatever he was on back in them days of him being a beast all added together and went towards his persona, along with whatever other things that were going on in his life, they were a part of him therefore did effect how he made music creatively. Not saying it solely depends on drugs him being his beasty self, but they were all part of it. I just hate it when people on here just take it completely off the table and try make people look stupid when they mention about him being back on drugs and it effecting his music.
Say a rappers dad dies (just an example)... Then he goes and makes one of the best songs in his career all emotional, lyrically amazing, just dope, then someone comes along and goes his dad dying had nothing to do with how good that song was, he can easily make something just as good if he applies himself.... Of course it had something to do with it, things that happen in some ones life, things they do, things they are on all effect what they do and what inspire them...
Now whether drugs got him in the frame of mind where he wanted to be the best, and applied himself to the best of his ability or not, it's something we will never know, so it's irrelevant someone just wiping it off the table and saying they didn't have anything to do with it.
Nobody will ever know, he could have just wanted that best rapper alive title and then after he got it, lost interest and has gone onto his skating and shit, or the drugs made him want it more deep down and if he were to get back on them, we would see more of the old Wayne. We will probably just never know. But it's just as stupid to say drugs have nothing to do with Wayne making good music as it is to say that they do.
There we go... State your thoughts and if you think I'm completely wrong or if you agree or what...

Sorry for the essay guys, hopefully this will give a good debate and something to talk about through this try spell of no Wayne music & the forums being a bit dead on good threads lately.
