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I love music video's.. makes the song much better every time I hear it for some reason.
I would LOVE to see a Told Ya'll video
or Go Getta .. or Kobe..
When those 3 songs dropped... it was ridiculous
I wish all 3 could have video's
I like this thread
I love music video's.. makes the song much better every time I hear it for some reason.
I would LOVE to see a Told Ya'll video
or Go Getta .. or Kobe..
When those 3 songs dropped... it was ridiculous
I wish all 3 could have video's
y i would like that to man.
told yall, we be steade mobbin, ima go getta , kobe bryant
are sick
we be steady mobbin would give too much fame to gucci..
i wouldve liked a Mr Carter video or tie my hands (siiiiick at the grammy awars doh..).. Anyway, we dont need video guuuuuyyys, we are some true fans..
But honestly..TOLD YALL JUST KILLED HIPHOP.. easy like that for wayne
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I love music video's.. makes the song much better every time I hear it for some reason.
I would LOVE to see a Told Ya'll video
or Go Getta .. or Kobe..
When those 3 songs dropped... it was ridiculous
I wish all 3 could have video's
y i would like that to man.
told yall, we be steade mobbin, ima go getta , kobe bryant
are sick
So I guess wayne is getting better.. and better.. eeeeeaaach day..
I like this thread
I love music video's.. makes the song much better every time I hear it for some reason.
I would LOVE to see a Told Ya'll video
or Go Getta .. or Kobe..
When those 3 songs dropped... it was ridiculous
I wish all 3 could have video's
YESSS Told ya'll dude his fire in that song is crazy!
Smoke good, eat good.
Only fuck a bitch if her throat good, feet good.
Just bought a fleetwood, and imma put some D's on that bitch.
Looking like i gotta diamond disease on my wrist.