So, idk about most other members but as I listened to "No Lie" more and more I grew to like it and it's not half bad. But you really can't say this is on the level of No Ceilings or mixtapes before that. Other than length, what exactly can you spot differently? I noticed that he has that "high" toned voice that people didn't like in "No Lie" but "Swag Surfin" was still real good and shit. He had punchlines in both, but they were more complex and spread about than they were in No Lie...
So what exactly can you say is different between these two songs? I know theres differences I just feel like I can't point 'em out
No Lie
Swag Surfin
So what exactly can you say is different between these two songs? I know theres differences I just feel like I can't point 'em out
No Lie
Swag Surfin