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D4 ! (Opinions)

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  • #13
    Fav tracks:

    1- Wish You Would
    2- Green Ranger
    3- Cashed out
    4- Burn
    5- Magic

    Best features:

    J. Cole

    the overuse of pussy/dick lines. dude sounds like his new influence is pornstars.

    its alright doe.


    • #14
      Whilst I still got my Hype Goggles on, I can honestly say I was impressed. Dope. He does talk about the same shit alot but he still comes out with the dope ass lines like he used to! His flow too is amazing on almost every track! His verse on Green Ranger>>>>> Great tape fuck the haters!

      I'd like to thank the haters for your cooperation
      I got that Doctor Chopper, give you an operation


      • #15
        Does anyone know what song has the obama quote on it???


        • #16
          #bestrapperalive #true

          "keep talkin and the flame leap off the hip and keep sparkin pap pap sleep softly"


          • #17
            The mixing alone makes it a 6/10. Repetitive lyrics and uninspired style drops it to a 5. Just doesn't have the same feeling as the last 3 had. Even D3, though disappointing, feels fresher than this. D4 is just fair.


            • #18
              I'm loving the style through the mixtape. He went hard on every song...

              Didn't like no worries coz of that autotuned detail shit tbh.
              Cole murdered the green ranger track, Wayne went hard as fuck...wonder how hard he would have went if he did like the beat lol.
              Y'all saw Wayne rapping for 4 mins on that cashin out...unlimited bars!
              Sorry Meek but Wayne took over that Amen beat....and as most predicted Wayne burned that "Burn" beat.
              Nicki minaj fucking murdered the Mercy beat god damn...
              Wish you would track was pour amazing....

              Overall, Wayne went harder than I thought....13 tracks (excluding the my homies still rmx and the dedication) of nice rhymes, crazy flows and great energy...I didn't expect no D2...Wayne gave me the mixtape that I hoped for.

              The things I hated on the mixtape is the overuse of the pussy, dick..ass lines.
              There should have been skits in between......the mixtape wasn't mixed "perfectly". And drama didn't talk he always does.
              Last edited by Vocker; 09-03-2012, 07:53 PM.
              Originally posted by Shake
              Why so negative all the time???


              • #19
                Well, after listening to this mixtape for two times.. I can say that my favorite tracks are:
                - Samn Damn Tune
                - Green Ranger
                - I Don't Like
                - No Lie ( )
                - Wish You Would

                Tracks that I consider are best on this mixtape are Wish You Would and Samn Damn Tune, I like the "A Dedication" thing lol

                All in all, I expected more from this mixtape, and this kind of "NEW" rap just isn't for me.. I don't like these new things..I realize music is now made for new generations and therefore Lil Wayne changed his music so the new generation would more likely listen to him and pay for his music.

                There's too much, dick, pussy, suck my dick, fuck , bitch yeah nigga...sounds like a porn movie..

                I give this mixtape 6/10.
                There are good songs, some songs are pretty much same, there are some good lines, there are some bad the rating of 6 I think is pretty fair..

                I don't expect IANAHB 2 to be any better than this, but in fact worse than this mixtape ( I judge this only from 2 very bad singles, and Wayne's attitude )

                Mixtape is good.


                • #20
                  wayne already has more downloads than 2 chainz album sales.


                  • #21
                    Originally posted by cg1992 View Post
                    wayne already has more downloads than 2 chainz album sales.
                    One's a free download. The other a purchase.

                    What's your point?


                    • #22
                      D2 will never be topped obviously.
                      I would say it was a Tie with D3.

                      For me I got more


                      When I was expecting


                      • #23
                        Yeah I forgot, I like this mixtape because he didn't really used skateboard lines and most of them are pretty good..


                        • #24
                          Its was average. Didn`t really exceed my expectations. But the truth is old weezy ain`t coming back. So lets get used to listening to this horny skater.
                          I'm about being single, seeing double, making triple

