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Yeah, people have been on this forum for a long time.
So this forum isn't going to be about Wayne 24/7 lol....
This forum is just a community of people who happen to think was is/was the best rapper alive.
That doesn't mean everybody is going to be nice to eachother lol...
If you can't take the negativity, then just leave lol
Well If It's Not GOnna Be Bout Wayne 24/7 Or Any Other YMCMB / Wayne Related Topic Then Why Is This Called Lil Wayne HQ?? I Wasn't Sayin' I Can't Take The Negativity, I Could Care Less What People Think. I Jus Think It's Stupid To Be On The Forum If You Dislike Lil Wayne. People Must Not Have ANything better To Do
---------- Post added at 03:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:55 PM ----------
Those are the only artists out of your list that are making better music, in my opinion, and one of those artists on the list is considered one of the greatest rappers of all time, so I think Wayne is doing pretty good now.
Well If It's Not GOnna Be Bout Wayne 24/7 Or Any Other YMCMB / Wayne Related Topic Then Why Is This Called Lil Wayne HQ?? I Wasn't Sayin' I Can't Take The Negativity, I Could Care Less What People Think. I Jus Think It's Stupid To Be On The Forum If You Dislike Lil Wayne. People Must Not Have ANything better To Do
Because everyone on this forum can connect in some way.
I started listening to Wayne in late 2006. And to this day, he is still my favorite rapper. That doesn't mean he is the best.
Their are plenty of other rappers I can name that I know are better than Wayne.
You are acting like we are suppose to praise everything Wayne puts out. And that just doesn't happen.
Most of my real friends, or just anybody in general outside these forums hate Wayne, or listen to Wayne, but no nothing of his previous mixtapes/albums/sessions ect.
And I entered this forum to join a community that I can relate to in terms of Lil Wayne.
I have disliked a quite of few material Wayne has put out these passed years.
That doesn't mean I dislike Wayne in general, or anybody dislikes Wayne.