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If his mom tells him to cut it he prolly would seeing that his mom told him to cover some of his tear drops and he did it an stop drink sryup after she told him to
Would be dope if he goes back to the cornrows IMO. but if he desides to cut his dreads, i thin he should cut them shorter, like they were in 2004 or 2005
Would be dope if he goes back to the cornrows IMO. but if he desides to cut his dreads, i thin he should cut them shorter, like they were in 2004 or 2005
^^^^this would be cool imo
Originally posted by dametri426
nigga jay z lips are average size
Originally posted by Waynasite
Have you never practiced putting a condom on and masturbating with it on so that when that time comes you won't be a fail
He would look nothing like this. But if he does cut them, I say just cut them shorter, do not get rid of them. His head shape wouldn't fit a regular cut
I hope, Weezy will NEVER cut his dreadlocks. It belongs to him. But I think, his dreadlocks now are too long. And donīt you think, that there is something wrong with his hair? It seems like he has no dreadlocks on the top of his head (according to some photos).
I hope, Weezy will NEVER cut his dreadlocks. It belongs to him. But I think, his dreadlocks now are too long. And donīt you think, that there is something wrong with his hair? It seems like he has no dreadlocks on the top of his head (according to some photos).
he cut his hair at the top of his head , so his hair grows stronger or something like this prolly!
i think he'll cut them someday when he retires and he'll be like another person.
personnaly i liked his style back in 2006-2009 !