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Lol Seeking For Some Attention. Pussy T Number Two. ThatS How People Get Attentions These Day Huh For Them Them To Get Promoted, What A Nice Trend. SMFDH
Me And Weezy Don't Like Haters, Do You?Agent P Gon' Kick Your Ass If You Hatin' On Weezy
I was getting hyped by the title and then I listened to the song and started laughing
haha wtf who is this retard
Take it out the wrapper, sit it on the stove
Break a gram off and put it in my bitch nose She tells me how it feels, she's numb, she's froze Bitch! wake up and help me cook these o's I gotta get my cake up see all I eat is dough I'm a dangerous mothafucka watch your feets, your toes
I get your point but the way this guy is in this video, he's clearly advertising his body. The way he indirectly flexes and the camera angles on his body. That is kinda gay.. And yeah lil wayne gets topless on multiple occasions, concerts or videos but never like that!