THIS is really pathetic, whether you think this is "too long to read" or whatever the hell you think, it maybe that you're not used to hearing facts on here because seriously 90% of what is said on here by people is 'pure and simple speculation', and i'm not saying there's anything wrong with that because there's not what so ever, that's what forums are for, to share ideas between people who have the same like-mindedness. It comes to a point though were some individuals on this forum are just constantly posting pointless bullshit like they have some 'inside-information', which every one knows is not the case, except for a few individuals on here, and you know who you are. But that still does not mean they know everything, no one will ever know everything that has to do, or went into putting this album together, even once we get it none of us will know everything about it. Like i said before, their are many individuals on here who like to constantly, and constantly some more bitch, bitch, and bitch some more because they haven't YET given them what they want, when you should know bitching about it will GET NOTHING DONE. NONE of you on here have ANY SAY WHAT SO EVER how this album is put-together, how the promotion is being handled and going to continue to develop, their plans for the album closer to release, what songs in total will be chosen, how many tracks are going to be on it, how many features, or whether it'll be a double disc album.
NONE of us on here know ANYTHING to do with that information AT ALL. The sooner that some people on here come to realize this, the more comfortable you will become because of it, and realize that NONE of us, not YOU, not ME, have ANY control WHAT SO EVER to do with ANY of the MANY, MANY aspects that go into an album especially the caliber of an album of this magnitude, Tha Carter V. It's fucking ridiculous how some of us on this forum just bitch, bitch and BITCH some more constantly and NON-STOP because YOU personally think it's not being handled correctly by a MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY. While you're sitting on your ass bitching and whining about it like you'll EVER change ANYTHING. News-flash, get the FUCK OVER YOURSELVES. NONE of us will EVER change ANYTHING to do with this album WHAT SO EVER, EVER. That will not happen, NEVER. So get the fuck over yourself and sit back and relax and enjoy what we have and what we're going to get in the near-future. Some people on here sound pathetic as fuck because they can't seem to get over these supposedly "amazing ideas" that you TRY to put together and say you could handle better then a MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION can, that Tez shouldn't pick the songs, (which i completely agree with, but just because you say that and bitch about it over and over again on a Lil' Wayne fan site DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING WILL CHANGE), how in the fuck do some of us not seem to be able to grasp that REALITY that it is? If YOU think that you could handle ANY aspect of this album better then a multi-million dollar fucking corporation, i got an idea, how about you get off your fucking ass and stop your CONSTANT bitching and call the corporation and TRY to get ahold of them, or write a fucking letter, or even better yet, GET OFF YOUR LAZY FUCKING ASSES from sitting on here CONSTANTLY and amassing thousands and thousands amounts of posts on here and most likely many other websites, and stop wasting your fucking time doing absolutely NOTHING but moving your eyes to read and moving your fucking fingers to type, and GO GET A FUCKING EDUCATION.
IF you don't already have one, and PUSH yourself to be the BEST you can at WHATEVER you want to do and GO FUCKING GET IT, you're NEVER going to get SHIT by sitting on your ass on your computer doing NOTHING else ALL DAY AND NIGHT. NOTHING that ANY of you say on here through your bitching and whining, and constant bitching and whining at that is NEVER going to get ANYTHING to change with this album Tha Carter V, and it's literally like some of you on here seriously believe that the amount you whine and bitch, if you do it enough, it will SOMEHOW by some fucking miracle fall into your fucking lap and the multi-million dollar company and corporation that is YMCMB and the even bigger entertainment company that is Universal Studios Inc.. NEWS FLASH, NONE of you are EVER going to change ANYTHING about this album, EVER. NO ONE gives a fuck about you whining or bitching about whatever you chose to whine and bitch about on that day, NO ONE. Some of you people on here, absolutely fucking kill me, it's fucking ridiculous. If all the fuck you gunna do is sit with your fat ass hiding behind your fucking computer screen, how and WHY in the FUCK would you EVER think that YOUR ideas are better then TWO corporations that ARE MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR ENTITIES. And let me ask you, how in the FUCK do you think they got to be those multi-million dollar corporations? A rational person, which is lacking at times on here, would say that they got to be THAT way, and become as HUGE as they are such as YMCMB is, Universal Studios Inc., and ALL of the others, became that way because THEY KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE DOING, and the people on here with all of these 'AMAZING' ideas that are the ones that can't and WONT stop bitching and crying about what they're doing wrong and that 'THEY' could do it SOOO much better and that these HUGE fucking companies don't know what the fuck they are doing. I mean fucking really? Reeallly now? THEY ARE MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR COMPANIES that became THAT way and continue and continue to grow and grow, and make MORE and MORE money, because THEY know what THEY are doing, and they are GOING to continue to do what they have been doing for YEARS and YEARS because as i said, THEY know what in the fuck they are doing, and NEVER in a million fucking years would they even just LISTEN to any of these 'amazing' ideas, and how YOU would handle a release of an album with the magnitude that Tha Carter V has, would NEVER, EVER listen to any of the bitching and whining that so many of you seem to do on here.
Its really fucking ridiculous in actuality. I mean, look back and try to at LEAST just attempt to think about some of the shit that you 'claim' they should be doing, or that you believe they aren't doing the correct way or how they should be doing it. THEY, these huge corporations, KNOW what in the fuck they are doing, and will continue and continue to do those things because they fucking work, how do you think those companies and corporations got to the point that they are at (not you), with the amount of money they have and that they will continue and continue to make. While all many of you will do is bitch and bitch, and whine and cry some more about "how you know (think) that 'this', and 'that', and 'this' is what they should be doing". I mean really? Get the fuck over yourselves to who this applies too, which is definitely not everyone, if you actually had the patience to sit through and read a little bit longer post like this, because so fucking many of you will also then go and bitch and whine about "how so & so 'user' wrote a long post", so what in the fuck if they do like i did? Who the fuck cares? You're obviously and clearly NOT doing anything that's SO damn important that you really "can't" read such posts like this one, if you've seriously been sitting on here all day, then almost all night, and for that reason begin to completely lack all rational social skills, if you haven't already lost them, because you don't know how to actually interact with another human being that's NOT behind another computer screen, when 99% of the time you DON'T and never will know who that person even fucking is, but because you don't do SHIT else, you lose any real fucking friends that you had and essentially trade them in for the fucking internet and people that you DON'T even know what so ever, at all. Now that right there is fucking pathetic when you don't know how to interact with another human being in the real world, otherwise known as REALITY, and not through what is essentially virtual-reality because you literally trade in the real world for this "virtual reality" that IS the internet, and then some of you, seemed like many at the time, turned this thread into a "relationship counseling" thread, and then NONE of you what so ever even fucking mention that fact like i just did, you actually, and seriously wonder why in the hell that those of you who turned that into that fucked up shit in this thread, ON THE INTERNET, but yet not ONE single fucking person asked, or brought up the fact that i did about how many of you on here lose all your ability to communicate to real human-beings, especially in that case as you made this thread into, real fucking girls, and how in the fuck does one in that conversation seriously not even realize what in the FUCK they are talking about, or where? News fucking flash, you are on a LIL WAYNE FAN SITE SITTING BEHIND A FUCKING COMPUTER SCREEN TALKING TO OTHER MEMBERS ABOUT WHY YOU CAN'T GET LAID OR GET THE GIRL THAT YOU SO DEARLY HAVE FEELINGS FOR?? I mean really? Fucking for real? How about you use your fucking head instead of your hands to type and then to masturbate because you can't get a girl at all in the first place, let alone the girl you think you have feelings for, when really it's just your dick talking because you're still a fucking virgin and have NO idea what the fuck you are doing or how to even approach a girl that's ugly as shit, let alone even a semi-attractive girl. You wonder why the fuck you're still a virgin and have absolutely no idea how to approach a girl or even start a fucking conversation with one, and specifically have no idea how to even get started with a girl to make a move on her for even just a fucking kiss, let alone hitting a fucking home run with her, that shit ain't NEVER going to happen, ever.
You wonder why you have no fucking idea what you're doing? Try because you are CONSTANTLY sitting behind a fucking computer screen talking with other people who are doing the same fucking thing, and you have NO IDEA who the fuck they are what so ever anyway? And then you are really going to begin to ask the other members who don't know any more then you do when it comes to that, and wonder why they can't help you out with advice? Try because they have lost probably, or nearly ALL of their social skills, just like the person who asked for fucking advice with that shit in the first place, i bet that NONE of you that were involved in those "relationship advice" conversations in this thread have absolutely NO FUCKING CLUE what a girls pussy even looks like or what in the FUCK you would do with it in the first place, in the very, very RARE circumstance that you even got their in the first place, but you most likely never will because i can tell you for a fucking fact that whichever girl it happened to be, would walk away because you have absolutely NO fucking clue what you're doing what so fucking ever, girls don't like that shit what so ever, unless she happens to be a virgin like you as well, but thats even more rare in that situation. This obviously does not apply to every member here, that's hardly the case, because that just would not be the case what so ever, and wouldn't be true. But ill tell you who it does apply too, if you actually read this and while reading it to this point right here when you're reading this sentence, you were thinking about it and how it potentially could or does apply to you, then fucking ALL of this applies directly to you. You should probably fucking think about getting off your ass, get outta the house, get from behind your fucking computer and go build your social skills back, if you're not too far gone that is, because i know for a fucking fact that potentially many of you are, and just have no idea at all how to interact with another human being, only how to interact with someone hiding behind your computer only using your fingers to communicate and not even seeing the person, even one time, ever. That's not even using your brain, that's actually killing your brain, ruining your social-skills completely if you haven't already caused yourself to diminish any social-skills you thought you had in the first place. Get the fuck outta your house and out from behind your computer and go make some REAL friends that are in REALITY, not fucking VIRTUAL-REALITY.
Because i hope you know that shit is fucking pathetic, and you should then never expect to get with a girl in your life, EVER, because they aren't into that shit, they want a guy with a REAL life, where they work for what they need and work for what they WANT including the girl, they don't like guys who expect everything to be handed out to them on a silver platter, and especially don't like guys who don't, and seemingly can not what so ever, appreciate the LITTLE-THINGS in life, they want a guy who goes and GETS what he WANTS and doesn't fucking sit around behind a computer screen hiding, and bitching about what they THINK should be done, with let alone a fucking album with the magnitude that Tha Carter V has. They want someone who APPRECIATES them. And for a lot of you on here, it seems that you can't even appreciate a fucking song, it's the same cycle with you fuckers over and over again, all the fucking time, and its pathetic, how about appreciating the little things in life, and the fact that us being Lil Wayne fans like we are, that we are easily the most spoiled fans of an artist, by fucking far. And still, with some of you, there is SOMETHING that is ALWAYS wrong with what we get, and its fucking PATHETIC. After joining this forum today and reading through some of the threads and a lot of these posts, this shit is a fucking DISGRACE. It really fucking is a straight up DISGRACE. Some of you don't even know how to experience life without looking into a fucking COMPUTER screen, you don't even know how to appreciate the fucking life you were given, and sit behind a fucking computer screen all day long, all night, some of you on here don't even know how to experience life, or use simple social-skills to interact with girls, and actually COME ON HERE for fucking dating and girl advice, and are ACTUALLY surprised when you don't get ANY even slightly, just decent advice.. because you are essentially talking to YOURSELF, because so many of you lack simple, i mean SIMPLE social-skills, don't even know how to talk to a girl or interact with an actual human-being. If you have read this, and while you were reading this, thought that it did, or maybe applies to YOU, then it definitely does,and you really, really need to start fucking doing something with your life and interact with people, in reality, not through a fucking computer screen 24/7.
Instead of amassing thousands of thousands of posts on here, and most likely other websites and forums as well, how about trying to leave your house and your computer, go get a job, build your education up, keep yourself fucking busy and learn how to integrate back into the real fucking world, and get some social-skills and stop fucking expecting for EVERYTHING to be handed to you on a motherfucking silver platter, and instead of you SITTING behind your computer screen fucking 24/7, literally just WAITING and WAITING for an actual, LIFE, to just come and fall on YOUR fucking lap, because guess what? That shit, is NEVER going to happen that way. NEVER. You people need to get off your asses, stop bitching and bitching about everything that you have absolutely NO control over, what so ever, learn how to ACTUALLY experience this thing called LIFE that ALL of us should be overwhelmingly grateful for, but many of you are not because all you do is sit behind a fucking computer screen bitching, whining, and seemingly crying through a fucking computer screen about things that you will NEVER be able to control. Get off your asses and learn how to appreciate the little-things in life, because THAT is what's most important, the little-things, not what you want SO-BADLY and the things that you EXPECT to be handed to you while you do absolutely NOTHING to deserve it what so ever. You fucking people (not all of you members on here is this towards, not what so ever, but this long post goes to the people that think it may apply too them, because those of you know that it applies, NEED to get off of your sorry, social-skill lacking asses, and get up from behind the computer screen you hide behind everyday, and go DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIVES. THIS SHIT WILL NEVER SERVE YOU IN THE REAL WORLD, and you will NEVER get ANY sort of even a SLIGHTLY DECENT GIRL, SO MANY OF YOU DON'T, AND NEVER WILL IF YOU CONTINUE THIS PATHETIC LIFESTYLE, a NO LIFESTYLE, LIFE, AT ALL. GROW THE FUCK UP, AND GO GET WHAT YOU WANT INSTEAD OF WAITING AND EXPECTING TO GET HANDED EVERYTHING THAT YOU THINK YOU DESERVE JUST BECAUSE YOU FUCKING WANT IT. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING, STOP SITTING THERE EXPECTING IT TO JUST FALL IN YOUR LAP, AND GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND FROM BEHIND THE COMPUTER SCREEN AND GO WORK TO GET WHAT YOU WANT AND LIVE A FUCKING REAL LIFE INSTEAD OF THIS "VIRTUAL-REALITY" THAT ISN'T A LIFE WHAT SO EVER, NO MATTER WHICH WAY YOU TRY TOO SPIN IT.
NONE of us on here know ANYTHING to do with that information AT ALL. The sooner that some people on here come to realize this, the more comfortable you will become because of it, and realize that NONE of us, not YOU, not ME, have ANY control WHAT SO EVER to do with ANY of the MANY, MANY aspects that go into an album especially the caliber of an album of this magnitude, Tha Carter V. It's fucking ridiculous how some of us on this forum just bitch, bitch and BITCH some more constantly and NON-STOP because YOU personally think it's not being handled correctly by a MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY. While you're sitting on your ass bitching and whining about it like you'll EVER change ANYTHING. News-flash, get the FUCK OVER YOURSELVES. NONE of us will EVER change ANYTHING to do with this album WHAT SO EVER, EVER. That will not happen, NEVER. So get the fuck over yourself and sit back and relax and enjoy what we have and what we're going to get in the near-future. Some people on here sound pathetic as fuck because they can't seem to get over these supposedly "amazing ideas" that you TRY to put together and say you could handle better then a MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION can, that Tez shouldn't pick the songs, (which i completely agree with, but just because you say that and bitch about it over and over again on a Lil' Wayne fan site DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING WILL CHANGE), how in the fuck do some of us not seem to be able to grasp that REALITY that it is? If YOU think that you could handle ANY aspect of this album better then a multi-million dollar fucking corporation, i got an idea, how about you get off your fucking ass and stop your CONSTANT bitching and call the corporation and TRY to get ahold of them, or write a fucking letter, or even better yet, GET OFF YOUR LAZY FUCKING ASSES from sitting on here CONSTANTLY and amassing thousands and thousands amounts of posts on here and most likely many other websites, and stop wasting your fucking time doing absolutely NOTHING but moving your eyes to read and moving your fucking fingers to type, and GO GET A FUCKING EDUCATION.
IF you don't already have one, and PUSH yourself to be the BEST you can at WHATEVER you want to do and GO FUCKING GET IT, you're NEVER going to get SHIT by sitting on your ass on your computer doing NOTHING else ALL DAY AND NIGHT. NOTHING that ANY of you say on here through your bitching and whining, and constant bitching and whining at that is NEVER going to get ANYTHING to change with this album Tha Carter V, and it's literally like some of you on here seriously believe that the amount you whine and bitch, if you do it enough, it will SOMEHOW by some fucking miracle fall into your fucking lap and the multi-million dollar company and corporation that is YMCMB and the even bigger entertainment company that is Universal Studios Inc.. NEWS FLASH, NONE of you are EVER going to change ANYTHING about this album, EVER. NO ONE gives a fuck about you whining or bitching about whatever you chose to whine and bitch about on that day, NO ONE. Some of you people on here, absolutely fucking kill me, it's fucking ridiculous. If all the fuck you gunna do is sit with your fat ass hiding behind your fucking computer screen, how and WHY in the FUCK would you EVER think that YOUR ideas are better then TWO corporations that ARE MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR ENTITIES. And let me ask you, how in the FUCK do you think they got to be those multi-million dollar corporations? A rational person, which is lacking at times on here, would say that they got to be THAT way, and become as HUGE as they are such as YMCMB is, Universal Studios Inc., and ALL of the others, became that way because THEY KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE DOING, and the people on here with all of these 'AMAZING' ideas that are the ones that can't and WONT stop bitching and crying about what they're doing wrong and that 'THEY' could do it SOOO much better and that these HUGE fucking companies don't know what the fuck they are doing. I mean fucking really? Reeallly now? THEY ARE MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR COMPANIES that became THAT way and continue and continue to grow and grow, and make MORE and MORE money, because THEY know what THEY are doing, and they are GOING to continue to do what they have been doing for YEARS and YEARS because as i said, THEY know what in the fuck they are doing, and NEVER in a million fucking years would they even just LISTEN to any of these 'amazing' ideas, and how YOU would handle a release of an album with the magnitude that Tha Carter V has, would NEVER, EVER listen to any of the bitching and whining that so many of you seem to do on here.
Its really fucking ridiculous in actuality. I mean, look back and try to at LEAST just attempt to think about some of the shit that you 'claim' they should be doing, or that you believe they aren't doing the correct way or how they should be doing it. THEY, these huge corporations, KNOW what in the fuck they are doing, and will continue and continue to do those things because they fucking work, how do you think those companies and corporations got to the point that they are at (not you), with the amount of money they have and that they will continue and continue to make. While all many of you will do is bitch and bitch, and whine and cry some more about "how you know (think) that 'this', and 'that', and 'this' is what they should be doing". I mean really? Get the fuck over yourselves to who this applies too, which is definitely not everyone, if you actually had the patience to sit through and read a little bit longer post like this, because so fucking many of you will also then go and bitch and whine about "how so & so 'user' wrote a long post", so what in the fuck if they do like i did? Who the fuck cares? You're obviously and clearly NOT doing anything that's SO damn important that you really "can't" read such posts like this one, if you've seriously been sitting on here all day, then almost all night, and for that reason begin to completely lack all rational social skills, if you haven't already lost them, because you don't know how to actually interact with another human being that's NOT behind another computer screen, when 99% of the time you DON'T and never will know who that person even fucking is, but because you don't do SHIT else, you lose any real fucking friends that you had and essentially trade them in for the fucking internet and people that you DON'T even know what so ever, at all. Now that right there is fucking pathetic when you don't know how to interact with another human being in the real world, otherwise known as REALITY, and not through what is essentially virtual-reality because you literally trade in the real world for this "virtual reality" that IS the internet, and then some of you, seemed like many at the time, turned this thread into a "relationship counseling" thread, and then NONE of you what so ever even fucking mention that fact like i just did, you actually, and seriously wonder why in the hell that those of you who turned that into that fucked up shit in this thread, ON THE INTERNET, but yet not ONE single fucking person asked, or brought up the fact that i did about how many of you on here lose all your ability to communicate to real human-beings, especially in that case as you made this thread into, real fucking girls, and how in the fuck does one in that conversation seriously not even realize what in the FUCK they are talking about, or where? News fucking flash, you are on a LIL WAYNE FAN SITE SITTING BEHIND A FUCKING COMPUTER SCREEN TALKING TO OTHER MEMBERS ABOUT WHY YOU CAN'T GET LAID OR GET THE GIRL THAT YOU SO DEARLY HAVE FEELINGS FOR?? I mean really? Fucking for real? How about you use your fucking head instead of your hands to type and then to masturbate because you can't get a girl at all in the first place, let alone the girl you think you have feelings for, when really it's just your dick talking because you're still a fucking virgin and have NO idea what the fuck you are doing or how to even approach a girl that's ugly as shit, let alone even a semi-attractive girl. You wonder why the fuck you're still a virgin and have absolutely no idea how to approach a girl or even start a fucking conversation with one, and specifically have no idea how to even get started with a girl to make a move on her for even just a fucking kiss, let alone hitting a fucking home run with her, that shit ain't NEVER going to happen, ever.
You wonder why you have no fucking idea what you're doing? Try because you are CONSTANTLY sitting behind a fucking computer screen talking with other people who are doing the same fucking thing, and you have NO IDEA who the fuck they are what so ever anyway? And then you are really going to begin to ask the other members who don't know any more then you do when it comes to that, and wonder why they can't help you out with advice? Try because they have lost probably, or nearly ALL of their social skills, just like the person who asked for fucking advice with that shit in the first place, i bet that NONE of you that were involved in those "relationship advice" conversations in this thread have absolutely NO FUCKING CLUE what a girls pussy even looks like or what in the FUCK you would do with it in the first place, in the very, very RARE circumstance that you even got their in the first place, but you most likely never will because i can tell you for a fucking fact that whichever girl it happened to be, would walk away because you have absolutely NO fucking clue what you're doing what so fucking ever, girls don't like that shit what so ever, unless she happens to be a virgin like you as well, but thats even more rare in that situation. This obviously does not apply to every member here, that's hardly the case, because that just would not be the case what so ever, and wouldn't be true. But ill tell you who it does apply too, if you actually read this and while reading it to this point right here when you're reading this sentence, you were thinking about it and how it potentially could or does apply to you, then fucking ALL of this applies directly to you. You should probably fucking think about getting off your ass, get outta the house, get from behind your fucking computer and go build your social skills back, if you're not too far gone that is, because i know for a fucking fact that potentially many of you are, and just have no idea at all how to interact with another human being, only how to interact with someone hiding behind your computer only using your fingers to communicate and not even seeing the person, even one time, ever. That's not even using your brain, that's actually killing your brain, ruining your social-skills completely if you haven't already caused yourself to diminish any social-skills you thought you had in the first place. Get the fuck outta your house and out from behind your computer and go make some REAL friends that are in REALITY, not fucking VIRTUAL-REALITY.
Because i hope you know that shit is fucking pathetic, and you should then never expect to get with a girl in your life, EVER, because they aren't into that shit, they want a guy with a REAL life, where they work for what they need and work for what they WANT including the girl, they don't like guys who expect everything to be handed out to them on a silver platter, and especially don't like guys who don't, and seemingly can not what so ever, appreciate the LITTLE-THINGS in life, they want a guy who goes and GETS what he WANTS and doesn't fucking sit around behind a computer screen hiding, and bitching about what they THINK should be done, with let alone a fucking album with the magnitude that Tha Carter V has. They want someone who APPRECIATES them. And for a lot of you on here, it seems that you can't even appreciate a fucking song, it's the same cycle with you fuckers over and over again, all the fucking time, and its pathetic, how about appreciating the little things in life, and the fact that us being Lil Wayne fans like we are, that we are easily the most spoiled fans of an artist, by fucking far. And still, with some of you, there is SOMETHING that is ALWAYS wrong with what we get, and its fucking PATHETIC. After joining this forum today and reading through some of the threads and a lot of these posts, this shit is a fucking DISGRACE. It really fucking is a straight up DISGRACE. Some of you don't even know how to experience life without looking into a fucking COMPUTER screen, you don't even know how to appreciate the fucking life you were given, and sit behind a fucking computer screen all day long, all night, some of you on here don't even know how to experience life, or use simple social-skills to interact with girls, and actually COME ON HERE for fucking dating and girl advice, and are ACTUALLY surprised when you don't get ANY even slightly, just decent advice.. because you are essentially talking to YOURSELF, because so many of you lack simple, i mean SIMPLE social-skills, don't even know how to talk to a girl or interact with an actual human-being. If you have read this, and while you were reading this, thought that it did, or maybe applies to YOU, then it definitely does,and you really, really need to start fucking doing something with your life and interact with people, in reality, not through a fucking computer screen 24/7.
Instead of amassing thousands of thousands of posts on here, and most likely other websites and forums as well, how about trying to leave your house and your computer, go get a job, build your education up, keep yourself fucking busy and learn how to integrate back into the real fucking world, and get some social-skills and stop fucking expecting for EVERYTHING to be handed to you on a motherfucking silver platter, and instead of you SITTING behind your computer screen fucking 24/7, literally just WAITING and WAITING for an actual, LIFE, to just come and fall on YOUR fucking lap, because guess what? That shit, is NEVER going to happen that way. NEVER. You people need to get off your asses, stop bitching and bitching about everything that you have absolutely NO control over, what so ever, learn how to ACTUALLY experience this thing called LIFE that ALL of us should be overwhelmingly grateful for, but many of you are not because all you do is sit behind a fucking computer screen bitching, whining, and seemingly crying through a fucking computer screen about things that you will NEVER be able to control. Get off your asses and learn how to appreciate the little-things in life, because THAT is what's most important, the little-things, not what you want SO-BADLY and the things that you EXPECT to be handed to you while you do absolutely NOTHING to deserve it what so ever. You fucking people (not all of you members on here is this towards, not what so ever, but this long post goes to the people that think it may apply too them, because those of you know that it applies, NEED to get off of your sorry, social-skill lacking asses, and get up from behind the computer screen you hide behind everyday, and go DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIVES. THIS SHIT WILL NEVER SERVE YOU IN THE REAL WORLD, and you will NEVER get ANY sort of even a SLIGHTLY DECENT GIRL, SO MANY OF YOU DON'T, AND NEVER WILL IF YOU CONTINUE THIS PATHETIC LIFESTYLE, a NO LIFESTYLE, LIFE, AT ALL. GROW THE FUCK UP, AND GO GET WHAT YOU WANT INSTEAD OF WAITING AND EXPECTING TO GET HANDED EVERYTHING THAT YOU THINK YOU DESERVE JUST BECAUSE YOU FUCKING WANT IT. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING, STOP SITTING THERE EXPECTING IT TO JUST FALL IN YOUR LAP, AND GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND FROM BEHIND THE COMPUTER SCREEN AND GO WORK TO GET WHAT YOU WANT AND LIVE A FUCKING REAL LIFE INSTEAD OF THIS "VIRTUAL-REALITY" THAT ISN'T A LIFE WHAT SO EVER, NO MATTER WHICH WAY YOU TRY TOO SPIN IT.