I made this thread on another forum. There are a couple of Wayne fans there and a lot of hip-hop fans in general (although mostly pop) but I'm shocked at the response... like I feel like a lot people think Wayne is a bad artist. Now this is on that forum but I experience it in real life too. I defend Wayne a lot. When I see I'm a huge fan of him they say 'he only talks about pussy', 'he is a faggot' or the famous 'If 2Pac was still alive, Lil Wayne would work at McDonald's'
What are you guys thoughts about this? No worries I know but it's pretty annoying sometimes like he doesn't get tbe props he deserves at the GP
Read this:
ATRL - Discussion: Why is Lil Wayne so underrated on ATRL!?
What are you guys thoughts about this? No worries I know but it's pretty annoying sometimes like he doesn't get tbe props he deserves at the GP
Read this:
ATRL - Discussion: Why is Lil Wayne so underrated on ATRL!?