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Do you know if a no DJ version of D6 Reloaded is gonna drop?
Im betting y’all a D6:Reloaded no DJ never drops and the only reason the first part got a no DJ was because Drama did all his talking the NIGHT before the tape dropped. There was already a pressed and ready to go No DJ copy floating around of the first one where as Drama probably did part 2 as they went and was better prepared.
Why does Wayne always puts D6 part 1 no dj tags from his YouTube channel private a lot then puts them back up d6 part 1 on his YouTube channel again the no dj version
Im betting y’all a D6:Reloaded no DJ never drops and the only reason the first part got a no DJ was because Drama did all his talking the NIGHT before the tape dropped. There was already a pressed and ready to go No DJ copy floating around of the first one where as Drama probably did part 2 as they went and was better prepared.
One of my favourites for sure. Gives me such nostalgic vibes.
That "all she know is young money..." at the very end