Fuck TuneFromTheMoon, Fuck his alt Brandon, and fuck his butt-buddy Zimmie. All you bitches delusional. Suck a dick and eat out Aryan assholes. Serial Salad-Tossing Ass NIGGAS!!!
Post Malone literally is a manufactured piece of shit experiment whose worst enemy is hygiene and you dust bucket motherfuckers are under the impression that a legend like Wayne needs him? He sensationalizes abnormalities like representing the antithesis of sanitary solidarity.
I guess his celebrated shortcomings reflect off y'all's insecurely self-deprecating predispositions as the common denominator in Caucasoid America. Niggas scared of toothpaste, soap, and water. You proud, Lucy? Stankin' ass Manginas in this bitch!
Wayne could use a Drake feature. BUT FUCK YOU AND FUCK POST MALONE!
Startin' to think that nigga is one of you lyin' motherfuckers on here 'cause people outside of forums might think he makes catchy music, but ain't nobody ridin' for the epitome of mid like that.
He not even fire mid. He just mid. And y'all just his shit-suckers. Post Malone fanatics are called Suppositories.
Post Malone literally is a manufactured piece of shit experiment whose worst enemy is hygiene and you dust bucket motherfuckers are under the impression that a legend like Wayne needs him? He sensationalizes abnormalities like representing the antithesis of sanitary solidarity.
I guess his celebrated shortcomings reflect off y'all's insecurely self-deprecating predispositions as the common denominator in Caucasoid America. Niggas scared of toothpaste, soap, and water. You proud, Lucy? Stankin' ass Manginas in this bitch!
Wayne could use a Drake feature. BUT FUCK YOU AND FUCK POST MALONE!
Startin' to think that nigga is one of you lyin' motherfuckers on here 'cause people outside of forums might think he makes catchy music, but ain't nobody ridin' for the epitome of mid like that.
He not even fire mid. He just mid. And y'all just his shit-suckers. Post Malone fanatics are called Suppositories.