The album that only wayne fans talk about.
The album that for some reason gets lost in the shuffle of best wayne albums
The rawest yet smoothest vocals of any wayne album
His most complete album as far as songs with hooks, and verses
His most cohesively produced album
Criminally underrated lyrically with debatably his most creative rhyme schemes outside of C3
Featuring one of his most memorable hooks of all time being Go DJ
some of the best songs of his career
this is the carter
go dj
bm jr
i miss my dawgs
the best filler tracks of any carter album
we don't
get down
on my own
who wanna
and the best song in his album discography that no ones talk about
we could make a whole thread on this song but its nothing short of classic
The album that began the most memorable rap series to date
The only carter album that needs no roman numeral
Happy Birthday to Tha Carter
The album that for some reason gets lost in the shuffle of best wayne albums
The rawest yet smoothest vocals of any wayne album
His most complete album as far as songs with hooks, and verses
His most cohesively produced album
Criminally underrated lyrically with debatably his most creative rhyme schemes outside of C3
Featuring one of his most memorable hooks of all time being Go DJ
some of the best songs of his career
this is the carter
go dj
bm jr
i miss my dawgs
the best filler tracks of any carter album
we don't
get down
on my own
who wanna
and the best song in his album discography that no ones talk about
we could make a whole thread on this song but its nothing short of classic
The album that began the most memorable rap series to date
The only carter album that needs no roman numeral
Happy Birthday to Tha Carter