I don’t make much threads because I don’t want to make pointless ones but I just listened to IANHB for the first time
in awhile and man I know that album gets a lot of hate here but I really loved that CD. It got me through some hard times with Bill Gates and That Ain’t me. It had some great tracks and a few wack ones but overall I think it was solid. Right Above it was on the radio all the time and I was locked up for a period of time and listening to the radio in jail waiting for Right above it to play. Also somebody that was locked up with me his councilor allowed his family to bring him RAP cd’s and I would trade him snacks to borrow IANHB for a day lol. So I just wanted to hear how you guys feel about the album now, maybe experience wise and high light your fave tracks. Just felt like this album needed some recognition lol.
Hold Up
Bill Gates
Right Above It
That Ain’t Me
My favorite tracks off the album.
Do you prefer part 1 or part 2?
in awhile and man I know that album gets a lot of hate here but I really loved that CD. It got me through some hard times with Bill Gates and That Ain’t me. It had some great tracks and a few wack ones but overall I think it was solid. Right Above it was on the radio all the time and I was locked up for a period of time and listening to the radio in jail waiting for Right above it to play. Also somebody that was locked up with me his councilor allowed his family to bring him RAP cd’s and I would trade him snacks to borrow IANHB for a day lol. So I just wanted to hear how you guys feel about the album now, maybe experience wise and high light your fave tracks. Just felt like this album needed some recognition lol.
Hold Up
Bill Gates
Right Above It
That Ain’t Me
My favorite tracks off the album.
Do you prefer part 1 or part 2?