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  • #13
    Originally posted by mania983 View Post
    This is a post from KTT2 and i think this guy has a point

    "Wayne is my #1 goat but.

    Bad management.
    Even though I enjoyed getting the scoob do videos and shit, I kept thinking this is so cheap and poorly done. This ain�t how a goat moves.
    that string of youtube instrumental mixtapes post 2011 was also just a terribly out of touch move no matter how on-brand it was.
    Back in 2008 I used to think he had an amazing ear for beats. What happened to all the soulful and hard shit. He seems mostly to pick uninspired beats today.
    Appearance wise he has deteriorated in front of our very eyes, not to mention how out of touch with the youth his clothing brand Trukfit was. Wayne�s mainstream likability was based around being young and energetic. He is neither of those things anymore but he doesn�t choose to move like an elder statesman either.

    His content is super inconsistent. He is capable of making thought provoking songs and playing with idioms and puns like no one I�ve ever heard. See dedication 6/reloaded But he also gave up the classic New Orleans/Miami Beach best rapper persona for this thrasher skater Mountain Dew with my bras persona that shows ALOT in his music. Even if he�s not literally rapping about skating, the persona change is evident.

    Lastly, worst of all, the voice. I can ignore everything as long as he still sounds like himself - which is few and far between these days.

    And I�m still excited for Funeral. And that kind of Stan base is why he is still relatively successful."
    Accurate af ......... no argument here


    • #14
      Every point he makes there is some truth to it, but it's also too harsh.


      • #15
        it all lowkey comes down to the people who manage weezy
        for someone as big as weezy, he needs to have better people in charge
        its fine to keep his school friends around him as weed carriers
        but dont let the mactually manage your career and choose your tracklists


        • #16
          I think with Wayne though, he believes in the idea of bringing people up with him. I have heard or read him comment in interviews before that a lot of people eat off him and it seems clear he takes pride in being someone who provides for his friends and by extension their families. I think to him he sees it as not purely about management and not purely about their loyalty to him but also about his ability to do good for other people who he came up with. Some people are givers even to their detriment and I think he may be one of those people


          • #17
            I see where op is coming from and I agree to an extent but I think Wayne's just doing what he can to be happy, sane and secure as well as the people around him. He's a true artist and so I'm not suprised with the constant changing after excelling at a previous style, like Miles Davis in that regard. We got CV and I believe it to contain some of his most genuine, honest and mature pieces.

            Majority of my favorite Wayne tracks are from long ago but sometimes that's just how this stuff goes, look at Bob Dylan, even he admitted that he had no idea how he achieved those peaks in the 60s and he doesn't imagine getting to that level again, paraphrasing. It'd be asking too much for Wayne to repeat something that was so unique, trailblazing and creative as his past peaks. Maybe one day we will see it, like who knew Dylan was gonna come back after a slew of trash and find a new lane thats home to arguabley a couple of his best albums. It can take experimenting how the artist feels he wants to before he/she finds what they were looking for. And Wayne has had trash managment while he was as sharp as ever, I dont think theyre the issue here, I think it's just the motions artists tend to go through.
            Last edited by PADYBU; 12-13-2019, 07:44 PM.


            • #18
              I agree with about 80% of it!

              Dear Mr. ImTooGoodToDropAnAlbum


              • #19
                Originally posted by Zodiac! View Post
                Every point he makes there is some truth to it, but it's also too harsh.
                It could be harsher. The real reason is because Wayne is a drug addict, and would rather keep his crew so he can get high whenever he wants, instead of realizing that everyone on your team being high is slowing everything down. If he took the L just this once and sacrificed him being high for a better team, he'd be in a way better place. And also for some reason I don't think he goes to get his own weed, he has someone bring it to him. STOP THAT. he can get one of his rapper friends 2 Chainz or something to bring it to him. He'll find a way around that barrier, but having it readily available to him at any time is detrimental as FUCK for someone like Wayne. He needs a barrier in-between him and the weed so he can stay focused. Not a permanent barrier, but a way to practice self control


                • #20
                  Originally posted by -_- View Post
                  It could be harsher. The real reason is because Wayne is a drug addict, and would rather keep his crew so he can get high whenever he wants, instead of realizing that everyone on your team being high is slowing everything down. If he took the L just this once and sacrificed him being high for a better team, he'd be in a way better place. And also for some reason I don't think he goes to get his own weed, he has someone bring it to him. STOP THAT. he can get one of his rapper friends 2 Chainz or something to bring it to him. He'll find a way around that barrier, but having it readily available to him at any time is detrimental as FUCK for someone like Wayne. He needs a barrier in-between him and the weed so he can stay focused. Not a permanent barrier, but a way to practice self control
                  Drugs may be a problem but it’s definitely not the weed. It’s the pills and codeine if Wayne really does what he raps about (which I think to an extend he be exaggerating for his image) no one will ever know tho


                  • #21
                    Originally posted by lilwayne-carter View Post
                    long story short - wayne needs a new team around him
                    Amen to that. Until he gets a completely new (and professional) team, he’s basically stuck


                    • #22
                      3 words:-

                      yea i agree


                      • #23
                        Whoever wrote this was fucking SPOT ON with all of it! I can agree with everything said.


                        • #24
                          I disagree!

