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Kreston Kent Author of The Literary Genius of Lil Wayne #1 Rap Bestseller Amazon Paperback
#1 Rap Bestseller Amazon Kindle
#1 Music Bestseller Apple iBooks
#3 Arts & Entertainment Bestseller Apple iBooks
Scratching the surface of it:
"so high you couldn't reach me with an antenna." An antenna is actually the single farthest-reaching thing humankind has ever made, reaching to the center of the universe. He found the actual, single farthest reaching thing.
Then to rhyme "antenna" with "man's dinnah" and "add livah" and "mad rivah" and "ass quivah" and "at wintah"
Okay then little stuff like "D-banner" parallel with "everybody got tools" tool='D' which is the same spot in the line a few lines up as "pussy" which is also in the same spot in the next line as "n%gger". So look: pussy:n%gger then in the same spot on the next three lines: boy:'D':tool.
Backtrack: "country-ass boy" "Mississippi D-Banner" country-Mississippi; ass/dick; boy/David Banner. But wait: country boy like who? LeAnn Rimes. She's not a boy; she's a girl. But while we're on country, Mississippi, Louisiana (Lil Weezyana). LeAnn, LilWeez. (Le)ANN (Weezy)ANA. Rimes=Rhymes=Weezy, master of Rhymes. Oh did we mention we've got "boy" "girl" "man" "LeAnn" (a woman).
The 9 give me brain, but the AK add liver.
9 as in 9/10. A hot girl, a 9/10 gives him brain (head), but the AK add liver. Gross parts of animals people eat: brains, tongue, liver. The 9 (gun), the AK (gun). But wait: this part is all about his insane flow being like a river. "Add liver" he's an "ad-libber"
Could write 8 more pages about this short verse.
Kreston Kent Author of The Literary Genius of Lil Wayne #1 Rap Bestseller Amazon Paperback
#1 Rap Bestseller Amazon Kindle
#1 Music Bestseller Apple iBooks
#3 Arts & Entertainment Bestseller Apple iBooks