Originally posted by Noworriesv
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"And that Sissy ass Kid ain't my step child"
Wow. i thought she disappeared. she is way obsessed tho. if he fucked her over block him. she going to far giving his number out and shit now.They can do all they can do but they cant break unbreakable. They scared to face the truth cause they hate the view.
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1. I feel sorry for her son, if she has one.
2. This the same lady that wrote that book right?? If so she's out to get Wayne 100%, my guess is media attention so she can brag about fucking him or victimize herself and paint Wayne as a monster
Originally posted by WeezyFan View Post1. I feel sorry for her son, if she has one.
2. This the same lady that wrote that book right?? If so she's out to get Wayne 100%, my guess is media attention so she can brag about fucking him or victimize herself and paint Wayne as a monster
you don't think wayne practically enslaving women and leaving them homeless isnt kind of messed up?
the Birdman/Cash Money shit messed him big time, idk why but i think he wants to hurt women for some reason, it bring him some kind of joy to hurt a women i guess(Kimberly Rose is still trash tho). And one thing she said is that Wayne treats good people bad and bad people good which if it's true is a very stupid thing
Originally posted by Zimmie View Postyou don't think wayne practically enslaving women and leaving them homeless isnt kind of messed up?
Originally posted by WeezyFan View PostI mean yeah ofc but wtf do these girls expect really? It's Lil Wayne
Originally posted by Zimmie View Posti mean i guess? but its still pretty shitty in the case of kimberly it seems she was super broke, poor and near homeless when wayne promised her a home and a steady income as long as she obliged to his very specific demands and she was facilitating that for awhile i could see being in a vulnerable state leaving you open to that type of manipulation i mean wayne forced her to get wayne tats to prove her loyalty to him and shit like that not saying kimberly rose is the brightest tool in the shed or nothing but shes a victim in this case