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  • Hello

    Hell is not a place you go to if your not a Christian/its the failure of life's greatest ambitions" Immortal Technique

    Hello Right now im going to school at Cleveland State. I've been pursing my undergraduate degree for sometime because i was indecisive as to what i wanted to do with my life. After graduating from a local community college with a 2 year associates degree. I decided to triple major in International relations, communication and sociology with a certificate in journalism. Currently i work at Target its a dead in job. I get up at 4 in the morning to unload a truck with 2,000 boxes and other items. The pay is low but its my impetus for doing well in school. In the fall of 2008 i had thought i hit my dream job interning for the Cleveland Council of World Affairs International Vistor's department. While there i worked on proposals to bring human rights, religious groups and other important people to Cleveand. It wasnt as i had hope because it took me longer than i expect to get used to office work. However that experience has provided me with some useful insight into what my future might look like. Now, I still go to college, Last semester I started a group on campus called the Hip HOp Culture Student Association. The main event for this semester was to put together a benefit for Earthquake in Haiti. However that event doesnt look like its going to happen because i cant find enough performers. Other than that I am planning to go to China this summer for a study abroad program. Last year I studied abroad in India. My goal is to get enough international experience to prepare me for the Peace Corp. My ultimate dream would be to start off as an international journalist writing about global affairs, then maybe progress to become a diplomat. After i get my undergraduate degree I plan on interning through the Washington Institute next spring and eventually earning a masters degree in international diplomacy and another master's dual degree in religion and Journalism from Colombia university. In the meantime i plan on learning 5 languages; Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, French and Spanish. Two of which (Spanish and Arabic) I am learning. If by then i still cant find a good job. then i give up.

  • #2
    Re: Hello

    Hii I Didn;t Read It All So What Are You Trying To Say


    • #3
      Re: Hello

      I read it all, sounds like you're a good person
      But if it doesn't work out neverr give up
      Welcome to LWHQ

