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Updates on the carter 4

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  • Updates on the carter 4

    Hi im new to lilwaynehq , but alwas have been the greatest fan ! i just want to keep up to date on all the latest news but the most important one of all is the carter 4 and how he will surpass the sales of the carter 3....because the carter 3 had many club bangers which sell and lollipop was the biggest song of the year and still is pretty big. just wondering how will he top that number one single. will it be a little bit harder because hes going to get out of jail or put out club banger singles so the album gets promoted big and then release all the hard songs.

  • #2
    Re: Updates on the carter 4

    How are we supposed to know any of that?

    "Mind so sharp I fuck around and cut my head off"


    • #3
      Re: Updates on the carter 4

      Carter 4 will be defi a bomb.
      The rest we don't know.

      Cuz Wayne gets better the longer he is in the game.
      And now in prison he has time enough to think out the sickest raps.
      The ambum was ready but when he gets free he will probable edit the album.
      And make it much better. Cant wait though
      You tought that wayne is Weezy?
      But Weezy is Wayne!

      Uploaded with


      • #4
        Re: Updates on the carter 4

        carter 4 is gonna be hard as fuck.



        • #5
          Free Lil Tune

          Yo, I thought he had already finished C4..I think he's gonna make the second disk when he gets out..
          Maybe disc one, raps while he's high
          Disc 2, raps coming from soberness?
          Kuz i kno i be stressed as fuck when im sober nd i be writing some serious bars

          "I stole a Bible, is that a sin"?

