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so the fuckin po po just had me locked up in the can but they couldn't keep me i got some cake ya faell me but when i was locked up it got me to thinkin would anyone be willing to get locked up so they could be in the same prison with wayne
Calm down, man. I was just saying as this has nothing to do with Wayne, but your ignorance.
my ignorance are you an undercover cop child please I should be allowed to walk around god's earth with my damn shoes tyied or untyied if i please[/quote:2gchwm4t]
Dude, you're fucking retarded. I'll just leave you alone before I get you even more mad.
didn't they have a movie called "let's go to prison" where the guy knowinlgly sold weed to undercovers so he could get in the cell with a specific person? kinda the same situation