This line "Beautiful black women i bet that bitch look better red". Wayne is a black men his self with a black mom and daughter, so hes saying they too would look better if they were red. They say black women don't support black men but I know a lot of black and brown skin girls who love Wayne, support him, buy his cds and go to his concerts, so imagine how they felt when he said that, what ever happened to showing/having love for all your fans? what ever happened to loving people for what they is and not what they could be? I mean suppose females tell him Wayne your sexy but you'll look better tall, light skin, with muscles, how would he feel?
he knows what it feels like to be short and he knows what black women go though now a days. Wayne has gone hollywood. Yeah I know Nivea isn't red but who's willing to bet he said that same very line about her?
If you disagree tell me why, promise I won't bash you for your opinion

If you disagree tell me why, promise I won't bash you for your opinion
