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"WE" as in a group but individually talked about it in each of our posts though out the entire thread. i may have said something about it in page 2 or whatever... YME may have said something about it in page 22. so yeah he HAD to read the entire thread to realize and say "YA'LL claimed to be bloods" So don't bullshit if you do not know what ur talking about
As I stated, I'm pretty sure you're not sitting beside him or have a camera in his room knowing what he looks at in specific on this site, if you are than, well looks like you're interested in someone besides wayne. So don't bullshit if you do not know what ur talking about
Oh I didn't get to ask this earlier but since I'm just curious because I'm not in a "gang", what do you do as a blood, and I mean you? Rep them on HQ with your freestyles? You don't get paid enough for that.
Get money
all you need to know, get money or die
You probably never held a gun in your life Trill
I'm not sure what person runs your gang but they can't be a very good business man or a rich person if all they do is give you money. What, are you the one runnin the streets gunnin people down frankie?
Actually I've held a gun to answer your question and have shot an AR-15, .45, some other my relatives own as well as a limited amount of others at a range, but I'm not big on shooting guns.
�Nature has wisely judged that the distinction of ranks, the peace and order of society, would rest more securely upon the plain and palpable difference of birth and fortune, than upon the invisible and often uncertain difference of wisdom and virtue.
hatin ass niggas
tryna pull other niggas down just to make you feel good?
fuck off, dont look at our posts if you dont like us
if you dont like our songs dont listen to us
and btw
if you dont like the RAPPER dont come to his FANSITE
Hop on it? They're probably takin shots from it
You ain't a blood cuz you buy red clothes form Hot Topic
Damn did you say Hot Topic??? DAYUM STOPPP ITTTTT
Your blood commander prob teaches you how the cock spits
�Nature has wisely judged that the distinction of ranks, the peace and order of society, would rest more securely upon the plain and palpable difference of birth and fortune, than upon the invisible and often uncertain difference of wisdom and virtue.
"WE" as in a group but individually talked about it in each of our posts though out the entire thread. i may have said something about it in page 2 or whatever... YME may have said something about it in page 22. so yeah he HAD to read the entire thread to realize and say "YA'LL claimed to be bloods" So don't bullshit if you do not know what ur talking about
As I stated, I'm pretty sure you're not sitting beside him or have a camera in his room knowing what he looks at in specific on this site, if you are than, well looks like you're interested in someone besides wayne. So don't bullshit if you do not know what ur talking about
Oh I didn't get to ask this earlier but since I'm just curious because I'm not in a "gang", what do you do as a blood, and I mean you? Rep them on HQ with your freestyles? You don't get paid enough for that.
Get money
all you need to know, get money or die
You probably never held a gun in your life Trill
I'm not sure what person runs your gang but they can't be a very good business man or a rich person if all they do is give you money. What, are you the one runnin the streets gunnin people down frankie?
Actually I've held a gun to answer your question and have shot an AR-15, .45, some other my relatives own as well as a limited amount of others at a range, but I'm not big on shooting guns.
Glad to know you know my first name, I wish I could say yours but sorry I don't stalk your posts.
You wouldn't last 2 minutes away from your computer in your safe house.
"WE" as in a group but individually talked about it in each of our posts though out the entire thread. i may have said something about it in page 2 or whatever... YME may have said something about it in page 22. so yeah he HAD to read the entire thread to realize and say "YA'LL claimed to be bloods" So don't bullshit if you do not know what ur talking about
As I stated, I'm pretty sure you're not sitting beside him or have a camera in his room knowing what he looks at in specific on this site, if you are than, well looks like you're interested in someone besides wayne. So don't bullshit if you do not know what ur talking about
Oh I didn't get to ask this earlier but since I'm just curious because I'm not in a "gang", what do you do as a blood, and I mean you? Rep them on HQ with your freestyles? You don't get paid enough for that.
Get money
all you need to know, get money or die
You probably never held a gun in your life Trill
I'm not sure what person runs your gang but they can't be a very good business man or a rich person if all they do is give you money. What, are you the one runnin the streets gunnin people down frankie?
Actually I've held a gun to answer your question and have shot an AR-15, .45, some other my relatives own as well as a limited amount of others at a range, but I'm not big on shooting guns.
Try holding some real shit like a semi auto m16 or a r700 bot action. AR-15 isn't shit .45 is back in the day try gripping something more updated like a desert eagle. until then stop playing childish games
Glad to know you know my first name, I wish I could say yours but sorry I don't stalk your posts.
You wouldn't last 2 minutes away from your computer in your safe house.
I know I'm on some stalker ish YA DiGG
What, are you gonna be the bad ass to kill me if I was away from my computer? I'm pretty sure I've lived my life for more than 2 minutes away from the computer frankie. I'm dying to hear your tall tales of your ghetto gang bangin hood that you live in with a roof over your head being supported by at least one person besides yourself being on the internet.
�Nature has wisely judged that the distinction of ranks, the peace and order of society, would rest more securely upon the plain and palpable difference of birth and fortune, than upon the invisible and often uncertain difference of wisdom and virtue.
Try holding some real shit like a semi auto m16 or a r700 bot action. AR-15 isn't shit .45 is back in the day try gripping something more updated like a desert eagle. until then stop playing childish games
My bad mr thug life, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't manage to read what you quoted, but I didn't expect anymore from you. I stated I don't care to shoot guns nor do I roam the streets gunnin people down, but I'm sure you do right?
Not to mention those two guns you named make me think of Cod 4, I bet your pulling that shit from there pulling triggers on the 360 are we YA DIGG where's the roflcopter
�Nature has wisely judged that the distinction of ranks, the peace and order of society, would rest more securely upon the plain and palpable difference of birth and fortune, than upon the invisible and often uncertain difference of wisdom and virtue.
Try holding some real shit like a semi auto m16 or a r700 bot action. AR-15 isn't shit .45 is back in the day try gripping something more updated like a desert eagle. until then stop playing childish games
My bad mr thug life, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't manage to read what you quoted, but I didn't expect anymore from you. I stated I don't care to shoot guns nor do I roam the streets gunnin people down, but I'm sure you do right?
I didn't know you had to be a thug to shoot guns... There are many ranks in the piru. i don't have to put in work, my bro is a high ranking leader you dumb shit i can be afflicted with the 5 stars and not be slanging, but im sure you wouldn't know
They bullshittin, it's toxic, man I'm just gonna vomit
Afraid namin your group after Wayne's label ain't platonic
Platonic? I won't lie I went to and clicked on it.
I bet they'd die for an R.Kelly moment, wayne just piss on em.
�Nature has wisely judged that the distinction of ranks, the peace and order of society, would rest more securely upon the plain and palpable difference of birth and fortune, than upon the invisible and often uncertain difference of wisdom and virtue.