Buht juhst know tht every single day i'll get a reminder from 5-20 ppl tht im pretty. juhst KNOW tht yhu TRIED 2 make me feel unpretty && iht ddnt work. juhst let tht sink in your brain tht ppl (including drake) will continue 2 mke my ego bigger && bigger, TBH. my ego will grow more & more each day bc im told everyday tht im pretty or better, beautiful. && yhu BITCHES constantly get torn down repetitively in real life 4 being obese & ugly so yhu TRIED 2 tear me down bc im hot (evrything ur NOT). As i leave, just to let yhu know that FYI: yhu fail. i'll be working out, & taking pics EVERYDAY on a daily basis, && fyi: those other pics werent how i look.so yhu fail #Epically. im pretty && yall are fat nasty. #ByeBitch.i'll b doing my pretty girl sh*t & barbie ish, && im leaving STILL knowing im pretty. sorry tht yhu couldnt phaze me yhu silly ogres
