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Nigga can't even use da right form of his second word in da post ctfu. I am da one that determines who is cool as well as who gets da swagools and ur swagools count is at -over 9000. Ctfu
Da reason I talk like this is cuz I'm related to dat sk8er nigga on dese forums and brewcity. Sk8er is my second cousin once removed and I also shared da same cell wit him. I'm the nigga that gave it to him up da ass. No homo doe I just needed to bust a nut ya feel me. And brewcity is ma uncle's seventh cousin 6 times removed
I'm also da chance masta on top of da cool masta and swagools masta so I say 100% chance it drop tomorrow. I tell ya I speak to melly Mel on da regular and he wanna change da perception y'all niggas keep thinking of him ya know always delaying ish
nigga can't even use da right form of his second word in da post ctfu. I am da one that determines who is cool as well as who gets da swagools and ur swagools count is at -over 9000. Ctfu
da reason i talk like this is cuz i'm related to dat sk8er nigga on dese forums and brewcity. Sk8er is my second cousin once removed and i also shared da same cell wit him. I'm the nigga that gave it to him up da
ass. No homo doe i just needed to bust a nut ya feel me. And brewcity is ma uncle's seventh cousin 6 times removed
"Nothings promised but a graveyard cant
see myself dyin broke Ray Charles" "Your flow never wet, like grandma pussy, i'm always good, like grandma cookies"
Someone who has heard this single said it's a "monsta" But this is the single that drops tomorrow, no idea if it is the same one as the song featuring Big Sean.
That's wat they all say with every Wayne single and album.... Lol didn't scooby doo say tha carter IV intro was fire ? All these Damn yes men. I'll let my ears be tha judge of that