I feel as though I have done a big contribution to LilWayneHQ in my time spent on this blog. I seriously think that I would be a great candidate to not necessarily take Danny M's spot but to help him out. If y'all dont think so then I want you guys to take a moment to remember all the good I have done for the HQ!
1) http://www.lilwaynehq.com/forums/lil...ation-5-a.html
2) http://www.lilwaynehq.com/forums/lil...-paradice.html
3) nfs555 for global mod.
- said by YoungTunechie on the "Drake Ghostwriting" thread.
1) http://www.lilwaynehq.com/forums/lil...ation-5-a.html
2) http://www.lilwaynehq.com/forums/lil...-paradice.html
3) nfs555 for global mod.