Re: Yea....US Mods....Necessary.....NOW.....
Skim/Artille: (it won't let me quote on mobile)I think that's just one of the limitations of the board, w/how it still quotes banned members. It also does that for blocked members too. I know on other boards, when you're deleted, you're deleted. There's nothing there. It doesn't even include them. Like if I posted, then skim quoted, then Artille quoted, then I quoted. If Artille got banned it'd go: my post-->skim's quote-->'this message has been deleted by an admin-->my quote. If you've ever been to, that's an example, its hard to explain lolll.
Skim/Artille: (it won't let me quote on mobile)I think that's just one of the limitations of the board, w/how it still quotes banned members. It also does that for blocked members too. I know on other boards, when you're deleted, you're deleted. There's nothing there. It doesn't even include them. Like if I posted, then skim quoted, then Artille quoted, then I quoted. If Artille got banned it'd go: my post-->skim's quote-->'this message has been deleted by an admin-->my quote. If you've ever been to, that's an example, its hard to explain lolll.
