I need to get this off my chest. I see so many motherfuckers use no homo when it's completely unnecessary or when they say something as gay as "I had a dream about Wayne last night no homo." What the fuck? First off that's gay as fuck and no homo doesn't make it alright. You can't go and suck a dick (unless your a girl) and then call no homo afterwards as if it were to magically make it OK. I don't care how many times you call no homo you're still a faggot. And stop using it when it's completely unnecessary. Like "I felt sorry for Cortez(no homo)". How the fuck is that gay to begin with? Feeling sorry for someone who's making millions might make you a pussy or a bitch but it doesn't make you a faggot. Or "I don't like that nigga voice(no homo)." Once again unnecessary and makes me think you actually are a faggot.
Sorry but had to get this shit off my chest. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's annoyed by this shit and to those who annoy us please stop while you're ahead. Thanks.
Sorry but had to get this shit off my chest. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's annoyed by this shit and to those who annoy us please stop while you're ahead. Thanks.