Post 1 ~ Introduction
Post 2 ~ Fixtures/Results/Groups
Welcome to the third round of the official Studio tournament, We are now playing in the Semi finals with only 4 particpants remaining. The pressure is building up, going in hard on a beat is now a must! Round 3 will be a tag team effort, you will be partnered with another participant and you must make a track together, but thats not all...(Check rules) I'd like to remind everyone that you are playing for your pride, winning this tournament will see your reputation rise drastically. The rounds will follow like this, Group Stages > Quarter Finals > Semi Finals > Finals. Have fun and give it your best shot.
Introducing the Judges:
As judges, we will be deciding together on which rapper released the better track, the track which will take them into the next round. As you brave through each round, the pressure will build, so expect it.
Rules of Round 3:
-You and your partner must rap at least 16 bars (Each)
-You must find your own beat, HOWEVER it must be a beat that has never been used before in the Music Industry.
-Following on from the previous rule, you must PM where you found that beat and who produced it. E.g. Youtube/soundclick/LWHQ page
-You must PM your track to me BEFORE the deadline.
-You can only submit ONE track
-You cannot submit tracks that were made previously or before todays date.
-Breaking any of the above rules will get you disqualified.
-If your partner refuses to work with you, he/she will be disqualified.
Deadline: Sunday 31st January