They have given each other shout outs on Twitter, he called her “Penny Lane” and she has called him “worth the wait.” Yes it appeared something was going on between good girl Amanda Bynes and rapper Drake but what was it exactly and is it over already? It is clear the two know of each other at the very least, she even tweeted “”Drake is half Jewish like me … word!” and “You’re the best, which is why I’m saving you for last.” Oh the drama of being young and famous in the cyber world.
According to The Hollywood Gossip it is looking like there was something between Bynes and someone but it appears to be over. As new Tweets from Amanda emerge it appears something has gone seriously wrong. “Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect,” and “I have a friend I thought was like a sister to me. She’s been lying to me and has been up to no good with a man I like” Yep something seriously went wrong in the love life of Bynes.
Now the rapper is never mentioned by name in any of these tweets and a couple of weeks back Bynes tweeted that she had never met the hottie. So where the heck is this dating rumor coming from, well clearly from the couple of Tweets where the two stars gave shout outs to each other.
So to answer the question are Amanda Bynes and Drake dating, i am going to say no at least not now anyway. Tell me what you think though, it isn’t just about my opinion.
According to The Hollywood Gossip it is looking like there was something between Bynes and someone but it appears to be over. As new Tweets from Amanda emerge it appears something has gone seriously wrong. “Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect,” and “I have a friend I thought was like a sister to me. She’s been lying to me and has been up to no good with a man I like” Yep something seriously went wrong in the love life of Bynes.
Now the rapper is never mentioned by name in any of these tweets and a couple of weeks back Bynes tweeted that she had never met the hottie. So where the heck is this dating rumor coming from, well clearly from the couple of Tweets where the two stars gave shout outs to each other.
So to answer the question are Amanda Bynes and Drake dating, i am going to say no at least not now anyway. Tell me what you think though, it isn’t just about my opinion.
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Via - Right Celebrity