wayne named his mansion the carter, after the carter in the movie.
if youve never noticed, cash money is pretty much based off of that movie.
in the movie the organization was called the cmb, the cash money brothers
cash money records came after.
the apartment complex used as a drug plant was called the carter
so is waynes home.
the main character is nino brown
wayne has the nino brown story, and mentions it in songs("nigga had to cancel that bitch like nino" "young nino, nigga, do it for my team, tim tebow, nigga" "cancel that bitch, buy another like nino")
it's all correlates to the movie, which you can find on youtube if you've never seen it.
Originally posted by DooDooBuddy
wayne named his mansion the carter, after the carter in the movie.
if youve never noticed, cash money is pretty much based off of that movie.
in the movie the organization was called the cmb, the cash money brothers
cash money records came after.
the apartment complex used as a drug plant was called the carter
so is waynes home.
the main character is nino brown
wayne has the nino brown story, and mentions it in songs("nigga had to cancel that bitch like nino" "young nino, nigga, do it for my team, tim tebow, nigga" "cancel that bitch, buy another like nino")
it's all correlates to the movie, which you can find on youtube if you've never seen it.