ok this isn't really worth making a thread, but I thought it was quite funny and I know there is like this thread where you can let people know if you heard ym on the radio/tv, but I couldn't find it anywhere
My sister was listening to the radio (her room is next to mine, so I kinda heard the music trough the walls) and I heard this beat which I recognised. I held my ear to the wall and it was Roger that. I was laughing so hard
(no one here knows YM
, so they have never been on tv/radio before here so it was kinda special).
About 15 min later I heard another song I recognised and it was My chick bad. So I was like: OMG it's Nicki AGAIN. I was totally freaking out lol
Few minutes later I heard nicki AGAIN and it was Massive attack. I was laughing so hard omg
nicki has never been on the radio here before, and now she was on there 3 times in a row. It was Juize fm btw.
Ok this was pointless.

My sister was listening to the radio (her room is next to mine, so I kinda heard the music trough the walls) and I heard this beat which I recognised. I held my ear to the wall and it was Roger that. I was laughing so hard

About 15 min later I heard another song I recognised and it was My chick bad. So I was like: OMG it's Nicki AGAIN. I was totally freaking out lol

Few minutes later I heard nicki AGAIN and it was Massive attack. I was laughing so hard omg

Ok this was pointless.