Lil Chuckee of Young Money Entertainment, DJ Ill Will, DJ Greg Street, DJ Rockstar - Charles Lee Ray (2010)
1. Charles Lee Ray (Intro) - Skipper. [0/0]
2. I'm Here (feat. Shannel) - Shows the confidence of Lil Chuckee, he takes shots at Freddy and Jason. Great TD3k production. Cool Shannel vocals. Very creative ending! [5/5]
3. Road To Success - The ringing bells in the song really stand out, the track's beat was produced by DJ Pain 1 and Dividened Souls and they did a great job. Really good meaning and lyrics. [4/5]
4. Free Weezy (Remix) - Better than The-Dream's verse on the official remix with Lloyd Banks? Hahaha! This song is classic, standout in Chuckee's career. [5/5]
5. Feel Good Music - Every single word that is spitting out of this kid's mouth is true. This is like one of those songs you can bump at like 6:00 AM and it won't bother you when your half asleep! I love those type of songs.. [5/5]
6. Uptown (feat. Jae Millz & Lil Wayne) - When Weezy is on it you know it will be one of the greatest on the album or mixtape. Another classic for Chuckee. Chuckee brings that "Birdman" style alot into this song, and when I mean by that I mean by the topics Birdman raps about such as the good life. [5/5]
7. Lights Out - Obviously, "Lights Out" was Lil Wayne's second solo album released in 2000. It is the name of his mixtape track 10 years later, believe it or not. The comparing of Weezy and Chuckee on this track is Chuckee sounds like young Weezy. Like too much of the Hot Boy/pre-Sqad Up era in him. But obviously thats a good thing, right? I guess. Good song I guess, not the greatest. This song is really good for his style on this track, very different than the usual. [4/5]
8. Stop Playin' (feat. Corey Gunz & Bigga 500) - "Beatz Like Dis" should have made the beat the same it on and off on the song (starting from the very begining). It would of made other parts of the song good. I may need to listen to this song again with the lyrics in front of me. The quality from the vocals made it hard to hear what they were saying. One of my personal favs from the Young Money Entertainment collabo tracks on here so far. [4.2/5]
9. Ooh Baby (feat. Princess of Crime Mob) - Very laidback track. I like that theme alot from Chuckee. It suits him well, like a "Mrs. Officer" sounding beat and then rap bars. Princess suits the track well. This will be a "Summer Jam" for alot of you. Not sure about a club banger. [4/5]
10. Torcher (feat. Fiend) - This beat is fresh and crazy, great job Sean Brown! Honestly, I am too distracted by the beat to even know whats going on. The song is the torcher, but it isn't that amazing. [3/5]
11. Believe It (feat. T-Pain) - Yeah, you better believe it that these two have finally came out with a song together. Believe it or not, this was my DREAM COLLAB. I've always wanted to hear a song from Chuckee and the Ringleader, I just thought it would sound so different, alternative, creative, original, etc. This track contains a hot beat as well, from producer "Fire". [5/5]
12. What They Hatin' 4 (feat. Roscoe Dash) - Producer "KE" brings a hot beat, it has that chilling style that the earlier tracks had during the begining of the mixtape. Roscoe Dash actually doesn't ruin or disappoint like he does in his own songs. Chuckee does great. Not bad. [4/5]
13. Break Thru (feat. Mack Maine) - Lil Chuckee reaches out to alot of people in the struggle as he raps his heart out about serious topics for like 2 minutes and 20 secs. I can feel Mack Maine's verse so strongly, its almost as if I was in the room with him when he wrote that. Dang, I am I shocked people have the same beliefs about this country as me? But We Have Enough Money To Give To Another Country..... I find it weird that Mack Maine said the pale faces probobly can't feel the way he felt, but I'm white and I felt him so strongly. I don't understand his comment there though. Mack Maine's track by a mile, sorry. [10.7/5]
14. Get The Record Straight - Its ok. Nothing special. [3/5]
15. My City (feat. Jaycee Payaso) - I love the laidback beat again, except this time it has a little bit of a faster tempo. The beat is from Serm Style, which he did a great job. Great vocals from Jaycee Payaso. Lil Chuckee got a little creative and did a Alternative/Rock/Hip Hop genre mix (just like what Lil Wayne did for his 2010 album, "Rebirth"). Chuckee stepped outside of the box while not falling off and doing somthing he can't. Great meaning too, dedicated to New Orleans. [5/5]
16 Phil Jackson (feat. Sean Garrett) - Hot beat by producer by "Sean Brown", the production is just blazing and it won't stop. The beat is a mix of "I Get It In" by Omarion and "Beaner, Bentz, Or Bentley (Remix)" by Lloyd Banks. Featuring latest Cash Money Records member, Sean Garrett. Cool mentions of #FreeWeezy. And is it just me or did he just say "Justin Bieber's son"? LOL I DONT GET IT!?!?! Another thing I don't get is that he keeps saying "God dang", which is just a bypass to you-know-what. I find it weird they allowed him to say that, but that its a big deal. [5/5]
17. Where's Wayne? (feat. Lil Twist, Nicki Minaj, Gudda Gudda, & Jae Millz) - Originally known as a Young Money Entertainment track as a whole, I always knew it would end up being Chuckee's track. You can just deal. The beat to be is a little cheesey and weird. This song isn't serious, to me by the looks of it they were just having fun with it. I wish there were more YM/CMB members in the song, it would of made it more complete. Its ok, but not anywhere near the group's greatest. Like I said, this song by the looks of it was for fun. [4/5]
18. Counting Up (feat. Jody Breeze & Shawt Dawg) - I really like the beat, produced by "TD3K". Jody Breeze's voice reminds me too much of our boy Loso (Fabolus) from New York. His flow was really good, I was impressed. I've never seen that dude before, but hes "the best new artist featured on a mixtape/album" since Playboy Tre on B.o.B.'s debut "The Adventures Of Bobby Ray", on the single "Bet I". Shawt Dawg did pretty good, it went with the song really well. Chuckee did his thing. [5/5]
19. So So N.O. (feat. Joey Da Y, Fiend, PNC, Jack Spratt, & Mack Maine) - I have no idea who any of these cats are in the featured guest artists except for the YM President himself, Mack Maine. The flow of the track worked out really well, laidback. And btw, everyone confused about the title of the song (and haven't listened yet), its a song about "New Orleans". It should be "SO SO N.O." to make it more easy to read. Thats if you got confused on DatPiff. Great tribute. [4/5]
20. Final Countdown - You don't even know whats next from this kid, and freestyles over the beat to "The Final Countdown"? Wow, and he pulled it off pretty great too. [5/5]
[Bonus Track] 22. 808 - SMH, I have no idea what Lil Chuckee was thinking when he put this on his mixtape. Sure, this would have been a little fun single to hand out on your Twitter page, but as a bonus track on your beast mixtape? But it doesn't matter, at least it isn't the majority of what he puts out. You can tell by looking at that, he doesn't put out alot of random tracks like this. This was just for fun, like a few of his other tracks. You can just tell.[0/5]
Most Haves:
Tracks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 11. 13. 16. 17. 20.
Overall Rating: 7/10
Extra Notes: If you are trying to prove to someone that "Young Money Entertainment/Cash Money Records" is one, or is, the greatest group of all time or today, then show them this mixtape.
There is no other young rapper like Lil Chuckee, none. All of the other young rappers are talentless, boring, unoriginal, and recycled concept. Lil Chuckee brings somthing new to the table that no other young rapper today has done. Chuckee pays tribute to his birth home, New Orleans, discusses the problems with America, and even steps about of the box musically and adds some Alternative/Rock into his raps.
Another reason why this mixtape can show why YM/CMB is one of the greatest groups today is the unique creativity this extremely young rapper has. The young rapper brings horror influenced bars to the table along with lots of self confidence.
Sorry, but this mixtape is on fire. [You may post your review for this mixtape in a post below!]
P.S. - My Reaction To The Fans Mad About No New Lil Wayne Songs, And Now They Have It http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/s..._squidward.jpg