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Re: why did lil wayne sign lil twist and lil chuckee?
waaah waaah, their voices are fuckin gey, ohhhh they sound like faggots without balls, so wayne's voice was dark as fuck at 14/17? Fuck it, wayne's voice can still be light as fuck, so stop bitchin bout them and understand that u aint with YM so stop crying bout twist and chuckee "not deservin" to be, jealous people forreal.
I ain't sayin im YM, but that's why i dont make stupid ass threads crying bout dem being YM.
D4! C4!
..........................The world is in my hand smack the shit out ya with my other hand!
because they're young kids with a dream
but there were so many other 15-16 year olds that you could have chosen that don't sound like they're 9, and actually have talent. jussayin
Twist,Chuckee, T-STREETS Are So Unactive For A Young Money Member. It's Unbelievable
Twist is active, hes working on his album and was touring with Bieber. Streets and Chuckee are the only unactive ones but thats cuz they suck but i have heard some fire from Tstreets.