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I don't know how to tell this in english,but im going to trie.
When start the hate ?? Because they made Grindin Making Money,so the hate start this year ?? And for why start ??
It started like this year....Kim came out and dissed nicki saying she needs to honor her basically because she was first. Which is stupid. She's just jealous that Nicki has a career and she doesnt. She's 'honored' her many times. She redid some of her songs or redid songs of people that are friends of hers(Like Biggie), plus she always said shoutout to Kim whenever interviewers asked about other female rappers. Plus there's pics of Kim at the YM concert last year with Nicki sooooo basically Kim went insane on some stupid crap and ended up looking stupid.
How is it irrelevant? doesnt matter what you say anyway...right now Nicki is relevant and Kim is not....Nicki just started so she has way more than enough time to break more records and win more awards...You keep mentioning specifics...I can easily say Kim has never had seven songs on the Billboard one hundred....Kim never wrote her own lyrics...but I'm done debating...because facts are facts....ask Lil Kim why she can't make a hit record right now because she isn't relevant.....but you believe what you can carry a horse to the lake but you can't force him to drink no matter how thirsty he this is me leaving the horse at the lake....
Lol dont mind if i take that lil phrase there do ya?
on topic: bout time Nicki put the cum bucket in her place nice job Nicki
It started like this year....Kim came out and dissed nicki saying she needs to honor her basically because she was first. Which is stupid. She's just jealous that Nicki has a career and she doesnt. She's 'honored' her many times. She redid some of her songs or redid songs of people that are friends of hers(Like Biggie), plus she always said shoutout to Kim whenever interviewers asked about other female rappers. Plus there's pics of Kim at the YM concert last year with Nicki sooooo basically Kim went insane on some stupid crap and ended up looking stupid.