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Lil Twist- Don't Get It TWISTed [Official Album Thread]
well , it bangs (i despise miley and her twerking shit , but twist is awesome ) and if a video comes out it can blow up. Twist must blow up sometime xD
Lil Twist better drop a video for the Miley Cyrus song then drop his album on E1 lol its the only way it will every come out, I see it sellin 20,000 to maybe 50,000 copies period
Lil Twist better drop a video for the Miley Cyrus song then drop his album on E1 lol its the only way it will every come out, I see it sellin 20,000 to maybe 50,000 copies period
It won't do 50k, max 20k. If you ain't really big you don't do numbers.