Remember the last track from the Lil Weezy Ana mixtape, Secret Weapon, that featured a female rapper named Lauren
I was watching some old Young Money video's with Mack Maine walking through Hollygrove and I found her 
She come's in at 6:12. You also see Thugga (From The Crescent [Inkredible] on Sorry 4 The Wait). Oh and Ronnie, he freestylin' and shit, see him at 6:06 (Off of Pimp C and We Stay High from Lil Weezy Ana).

She come's in at 6:12. You also see Thugga (From The Crescent [Inkredible] on Sorry 4 The Wait). Oh and Ronnie, he freestylin' and shit, see him at 6:06 (Off of Pimp C and We Stay High from Lil Weezy Ana).