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Originally posted by back on my bullish*tView Post
yep the 305 track
That song is fire when your burned out on thrax! "305 to my city...I did it I did it I get it I get it..."
"You tied to the track on my train of thoughts, and controlling my thoughts is like tamin sharks..." "I gotta hit 'em, like redbones wit long hair, fuck wit me ya ass is grass, get a lawn chair..."
"Life is a bitch, I'll make her yo ex..." - B.R.A. (Best Rapper Alive)
ShAkE 'eM uP!!sHaKe 'Em Up!!ShAkE 'eM uP!!!
im i the only one not really feeling this album?like except like 5songs im not used to skipping more then 4songs on a drake album,way to many songs that i meant to be catchy and that slow flow doesnt work 4 me i like that flow on from time thats the drake i wana hear,btw 305 to my city is the worst song on a drake album period
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im i the only one not really feeling this album?like except like 5songs im not used to skipping more then 4songs on a drake album,way to many songs that i meant to be catchy and that slow flow doesnt work 4 me i like that flow on from time thats the drake i wana hear,btw 305 to my city is the worst song on a drake album period