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Hell, The Ride shits all over this whole album in my opinion. Too many exhibitions of his mediocrity. Projected by slippery flows and downscale-quality writing. 305 To My City exists. Own It exists. Paris Morton Music 2 is ass compared to the first one. LOL! Come on, now. Drake as a rapper fell off.
Hell, The Ride shits all over this whole album in my opinion. Too many exhibitions of his mediocrity. Projected by slippery flows and downscale-quality writing. 305 To My City exists. Own It exists. Paris Morton Music 2 is ass compared to the first one. LOL! Come on, now. Drake as a rapper fell off.
Drake's evolved from rap though. That's what gained him his fame, now that he has it he's holding on to it by making music that anyone can enjoy.
He's playing it smart.
Drake's not a rapper anymore, so of course if your expecting that Drake you'll be upset, but Drake is doing every right move. And you have to respect that.