Breaking Bad may be one of the greatest dramas in the history of television. The Mr. Chips-to-Scarface tale of Walter White has had all of the suspense, twists, character development, and Easter eggs that fans could hope for as Mr. White's ego ate through the show's moral compass like the hydrofluoric acid did to the floorboards in Season 1. But, for all of its wonders, Breaking Bad has suffered from a critical lack of Drake. That's right. The AMC drama features exactly zero appearances from everybody's favorite Degrassi star-turned self-important rapper, Aubrey Graham. Luckily, a real American hero has rededicated his life to adding Jimmy into iconic Breaking Bad scenes. Shea Serrano—the writer and artíst behind the rap coloring book—has created a handful of illustrations that feature Drake as Breaking Bad characters and the finished products are just as wonderful as you might imagine.

The 'Drake-ing Bad' Tumblr is exactly what it sounds like (and everything the Internet has always wanted)