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Jae Millz has left YM

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  • Jae Millz has left YM

    He's been making hints for a while now and the fact he's taken YM off his insta and twitter makes it pretty obvious. Throw in the obvious bars on the first beat of this freestyle and it looks like he's definitely gone. He was consistent but not at a high enough level imo so this is whatever but I hadn't seen anyone mention it so here it is

  • #2
    Was he talking about Lil Wayne near the end of the song too ?

    When he was going on about feeling sorry for his baby mama and how he wasn't loyal to his day 1 ?


    • #3
      Doesn't he do this a few times per year

      He's just one of them guys always in his feelings


      • #4
        good news 56bh


        • #5


          • #6
            good for him tbh, too many people been wasting their potential staying in that label

            ''They say they want the drugs to stop but imma major setback when my album drop''


            • #7
              Originally posted by WeezyFan View Post
              good for him tbh, too many people been wasting their potential staying in that label


              • #8
                Originally posted by 187JoshM187
                Honestly that nigga got zero potential. He can rap his ass off but alotta rapper can rap. That doesn't mean you can make a song that people will buy and sell records. Millz can't write a hook to save his life. Wayne done gave this man a million verses. If you ain't pop off by now then you gotta continue ghost writing for other rappers and take the L
                bruh before he got signed to ym he had some hype and a small fanbase. With the right team behind you anything is possible and you don't need much talent to pop off these days. You wouldn't want to stay in a job that was badly organized and fucks up often. one of the reasons I quit my job lol

                its too late for him now tho
                Last edited by WeezyFan; 12-22-2016, 08:02 PM.

                ''They say they want the drugs to stop but imma major setback when my album drop''


                • #9
                  Originally posted by WeezyFan View Post
                  bruh before he got signed to ym he had some hype and a small fanbase. With the right team behind you anything is possible and you don't need much talent to pop off these days. You wouldn't want to stay in a job that was badly organized and fucks up often. one of the reasons I quit my job lol

                  its too late for him now tho
                  It's been too late for him for too long RIP


                  • #10
                    has mack or anyone acknowledged this or anything?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by WeezyFan View Post
                      good for him tbh, too many people been wasting their potential staying in that label
                      like who? dont act like wayne dont give them features.. now if you wanna get mad at wayne for not promoting enough thats fair

                      millz ghostwrote for wayne talk is coming watch. millz a diva tho he does this once a year.. wayne even let him rock on the dedication tour
                      but outside of millz ym artist are lazy

                      outide of currensy who has left wayne and turned into a star?

                      - - - Updated - - -

                      and this freestyle wasnt his best work at all very disappointed
                      Last edited by Im Raw Dawg; 12-24-2016, 01:05 AM.


                      • #12
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