Time To Get @LilWayneHQ Twitter Account Erased!! Callin Twitter Now!!! Man People Are So Stupid Why Are U Posting Every song peace
2 minutes ago from Echofon in reply to LilWayneHQ
Ok twist you are only 16 years old and you already act like you rule the world just because you got what 60 something thousand followers on twitter doesn't mean you rule the internet. I lost some respect for twist now.
Time To Get @LilWayneHQ Twitter Account Erased!! Callin Twitter Now!!! Man People Are So Stupid Why Are U Posting Every song peace
2 minutes ago from Echofon in reply to LilWayneHQ
Ok twist you are only 16 years old and you already act like you rule the world just because you got what 60 something thousand followers on twitter doesn't mean you rule the internet. I lost some respect for twist now.