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As the question asks do any of you think Drake is losing his buzz? I mean I don't even listen to him like that anymore i personally think it's getting tiring hearing about the same thing over and over. No hating I just want a nice debate to go on lol
I'm nervous for Thank Me Later. I feel like Drake is being too influenced by Weezy and Birdman - too much bullshit, always talking about champagne and taking my girl and how he's the best in the freshman class, etc. So Far Gone was so raw, he spit honesty on that shit! Fear, Congratulations? Uh-MAZING. lately, on his features, he's just been spewing bullshit, ya know?
I kinda get it, that a lot of artists don't want you to be spitting that kind of shit on their songs, they want club banger kinda shit. Say Something was amazing, though! Time can only tell. He's an above average lyricist and he's pretty witty, but he's at his best when he's telling a narrative and speaking about actual events, fears, and emotions that he's gone through in his life, you know? That's why I don't like the Birdman AT ALL, and I cannot say Weezy's the best alive. I prefer B.o.B., KanYe, Common, Lupe, KiD CuDi, Wale... all of them are great narrators and have an actual message - it's not just the same old same old. If Drake can stay away from the cliche quagmire, then he'll be in business. He'll sell no matter what, but, unlike what Baby would have you believe, making the most money doesn't make you the best rapper. Fuck, Soulja Boy makes dough stacks....
Its all about consistency. Wayne can spit a good verse on 90 percent of his songs. The thing that makes him is the fact that he can and NOBODY else can for that matter. Drake is one of those, you hear good drake songs and bad ones but TML will not lose its course or whatever even if you think drake is a little. Drake is his once artist, he doesn't sound he birdman or weezy or anyone else for that matter. His voice is different which is smooth and he raps on a slower beat because he is quite mellow. Now get over the fact that drake had a few bad songs because he will record so many for TML that there will be no bad songs.
Its all about consistency. Wayne can spit a good verse on 90 percent of his songs. The thing that makes him is the fact that he can and NOBODY else can for that matter. Drake is one of those, you hear good drake songs and bad ones but TML will not lose its course or whatever even if you think drake is a little. Drake is his once artist, he doesn't sound he birdman or weezy or anyone else for that matter. His voice is different which is smooth and he raps on a slower beat because he is quite mellow. Now get over the fact that drake had a few bad songs because he will record so many for TML that there will be no bad songs.
Lyrically, he has become the epitome of Birdman/Wayne on his pricele$$ features and his work on young money, but that's potentially just a blip in the road. At least wayne and drake have solid flows, baby is just whack. If drake loses his lyrical depth and becomes a lil-wayne-punchline-rapper, then he becomes just another rapper. Feel what i'm laying down for you?
no way is drake losing it he's just saving his best for thank me later. Only thing is he said he gona be singing alot on most of tracks so i dont think we gonna hear true drake doing his rap "thang" for a while
I'm nervous for Thank Me Later. I feel like Drake is being too influenced by Weezy and Birdman - too much bullshit, always talking about champagne and taking my girl and how he's the best in the freshman class, etc. So Far Gone was so raw, he spit honesty on that shit! Fear, Congratulations? Uh-MAZING. lately, on his features, he's just been spewing bullshit, ya know?
I kinda get it, that a lot of artists don't want you to be spitting that kind of shit on their songs, they want club banger kinda shit. Say Something was amazing, though! Time can only tell. He's an above average lyricist and he's pretty witty, but he's at his best when he's telling a narrative and speaking about actual events, fears, and emotions that he's gone through in his life, you know? That's why I don't like the Birdman AT ALL, and I cannot say Weezy's the best alive. I prefer B.o.B., KanYe, Common, Lupe, KiD CuDi, Wale... all of them are great narrators and have an actual message - it's not just the same old same old. If Drake can stay away from the cliche quagmire, then he'll be in business. He'll sell no matter what, but, unlike what Baby would have you believe, making the most money doesn't make you the best rapper. Fuck, Soulja Boy makes dough stacks....
have you noticed that..
on featurings, remixes and shit, wayne and drake are saying alot of bullshit sort as im the best and blablablabla..
I'm nervous for Thank Me Later. I feel like Drake is being too influenced by Weezy and Birdman - too much bullshit, always talking about champagne and taking my girl and how he's the best in the freshman class, etc. So Far Gone was so raw, he spit honesty on that shit! Fear, Congratulations? Uh-MAZING. lately, on his features, he's just been spewing bullshit, ya know?
I kinda get it, that a lot of artists don't want you to be spitting that kind of shit on their songs, they want club banger kinda shit. Say Something was amazing, though! Time can only tell. He's an above average lyricist and he's pretty witty, but he's at his best when he's telling a narrative and speaking about actual events, fears, and emotions that he's gone through in his life, you know? That's why I don't like the Birdman AT ALL, and I cannot say Weezy's the best alive. I prefer B.o.B., KanYe, Common, Lupe, KiD CuDi, Wale... all of them are great narrators and have an actual message - it's not just the same old same old. If Drake can stay away from the cliche quagmire, then he'll be in business. He'll sell no matter what, but, unlike what Baby would have you believe, making the most money doesn't make you the best rapper. Fuck, Soulja Boy makes dough stacks....
have you noticed that..
on featurings, remixes and shit, wayne and drake are saying alot of bullshit sort as im the best and blablablabla..
but.. on waynes album.. that is serious business
bit harsh but yeah wayne deffo goes hard on his album tracks i think his features he raps just to help get his name out there even more
I'm nervous for Thank Me Later. I feel like Drake is being too influenced by Weezy and Birdman - too much bullshit, always talking about champagne and taking my girl and how he's the best in the freshman class, etc. So Far Gone was so raw, he spit honesty on that shit! Fear, Congratulations? Uh-MAZING. lately, on his features, he's just been spewing bullshit, ya know?
I kinda get it, that a lot of artists don't want you to be spitting that kind of shit on their songs, they want club banger kinda shit. Say Something was amazing, though! Time can only tell. He's an above average lyricist and he's pretty witty, but he's at his best when he's telling a narrative and speaking about actual events, fears, and emotions that he's gone through in his life, you know? That's why I don't like the Birdman AT ALL, and I cannot say Weezy's the best alive. I prefer B.o.B., KanYe, Common, Lupe, KiD CuDi, Wale... all of them are great narrators and have an actual message - it's not just the same old same old. If Drake can stay away from the cliche quagmire, then he'll be in business. He'll sell no matter what, but, unlike what Baby would have you believe, making the most money doesn't make you the best rapper. Fuck, Soulja Boy makes dough stacks....
have you noticed that..
on featurings, remixes and shit, wayne and drake are saying alot of bullshit sort as im the best and blablablabla..
but.. on waynes album.. that is serious business
bit harsh but yeah wayne deffo goes hard on his album tracks i think his features he raps just to help get his name out there even more
thats the point
he does the same on mixtapes
its so easy..