Four Lions tells the story of a group of British jihadists who push their abstract dreams of glory to the breaking point. As the wheels fly off, and their competing ideologies clash, what emerges is an emotionally engaging (and entirely plausible) farce. In a storm of razor-sharp verbal jousting and large-scale set pieces, Four Lions is a comic tour de force; it shows that-while terrorism is about ideology-it can also be about idiots
IMDB: 7.7
TYPE: Comedy
Four Lions (2010)
It's been out in cinemas here in the UK for a couple of months now and the overall verdict is pretty positive. Out now on DVD and is making its debut at Sundance film festival 2010. Its going to be out in the US soon, and it will be a big film
Ive seen it personally and its extremely funny. 5/5
Four Lions tells the story of a group of British jihadists who push their abstract dreams of glory to the breaking point. As the wheels fly off, and their competing ideologies clash, what emerges is an emotionally engaging (and entirely plausible) farce. In a storm of razor-sharp verbal jousting and large-scale set pieces, Four Lions is a comic tour de force; it shows that-while terrorism is about ideology-it can also be about idiots
IMDB: 7.7
TYPE: Comedy
Four Lions (2010)
It's been out in cinemas here in the UK for a couple of months now and the overall verdict is pretty positive. Out now on DVD and is making its debut at Sundance film festival 2010. Its going to be out in the US soon, and it will be a big film
Ive seen it personally and its extremely funny. 5/5