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  • Re: Illuminati.

    Originally posted by kfadahunsi View Post
    Guys lilwayne hq is completely wrong
    The marshall plan was designed to make russia look bad in WWII
    The US just gave poor eastern europian countries money so they could so no to the soviets
    i could be wrong but idk... this army guy at the tattoo shop was tlkin about it....


    • Re: Illuminati.

      Tha Carter IV vs. Watch The Throne ???

      *** C4 Wins... ***



      • Re: Illuminati.

        Lil Wayne is in the Illuminati


        • Re: Illuminati.

          Originally posted by ghostgoon View Post
          Lil Wayne is in the Illuminati
          The Illuminati isn't relevant anymore. We have Lil B #basedgod



          • Re: Illuminati.

            Originally posted by Twiggz View Post
            Fuck Illuminati.
            People who believe in that shit are clearly retarded. You honestly think these people speak to 'Satan' and are like "So....yeah, i'll do whatever you say and rep you, but's my soul just incase i fuck up"
            The only people who speak to satan are the ones fucked up in the head and go on a massive killing spree, because 'Satan' told them to do it.
            Wayne is in nothing but YMCMB.
            You're sooo stupid.


            • Re: Illuminati.

              Originally posted by IamHipHop View Post
              You're sooo stupid.
              No you are for believing in fake people.
              ​repetition is the father of learning


              • Re: Illuminati.

                Originally posted by IamHipHop View Post
                You're sooo stupid.
                This guy is dumb enough to bump a dead thread just to prove something that isn't real.
                I have not, and never will believe in Illuminati.


                • Re: Illuminati.

                  2012 is our year. SOPA was nothing


                  • Re: Illuminati.

                    there definatly is something called the illuminai, and this whole 9/11 thing is weird as fuck. I would suggest thatyou see the movie zeitgeist, its a documentary about religion, 9/11 and the central banks, real interesting

                    Since i'm Young Money, you better respect em
                    Drake, when i see Common bitch ass i'mma smack him


                    • Re: Illuminati.

                      Y'all need to see the truth. I dont give a fuk bout the illuminati intentions, all I know is that they tryna get "evil" some attention. All you need to look the other way. So many people talk bout devil and shit but wat bout god angels Jesus and all the subjects we shud be lookin up to. I ain't tryna preach but you gota know what's right and what shudnt be looked at. Again i aint tryna preach but Y'all need to follow the light instead of getin into the dark out of curiosity, don't let these bitch as societies bring u into something designed to be feared by us. Real shit belee dat
                      Last edited by CCB007; 02-03-2012, 07:23 AM.


                      • Re: Illuminati.

                        Greetings to all of you ignorant ladies and gentlemen who are completley oblivious to what's going on in the world around you
                        I have alot of knowledge and facts that support the existance of secret societies, I don't even know where to begin. "Illuminati" is the most common used term to describe them, the original Illuminati was a secret society that consisted of wealthy intelligent men that formed in May 1st 1776. I am not talking about them specifically, I am talking about the major secret societies in general (FreeMasons, Skull & Bones, Bilderberg Group, Majestic 12) which are usually generalized as being the Illuminati. The definition of Illuminati is enlightened, these people are the enlightened elite, it doesn't matter if they don't go by the name Illuminati or whatever name they go by, the fact is...they are real.
                        If you question the existence of secret societies, watch George Bush and John Kerry confirm that they are members of Skull & Bones (The satanic secret society of Yale University)

                        Another thing people often question the existance of is the "New World Order". When the US Government/Secret Societies achieve the New World Order, means that they have decreased the population of the world to 200Million and they will completley rule/control the world; the whole world will be their slaves (Although they kind of already are)
                        If you question the existence of the New World Order, here's George Bush and his father both discussing it at press conferences... It's also kind of peculiar how Bush's fathers speech was on September 11th 1991 (Exactly 10 years prior to 9/11 which was the start of the NWO because not only did it kill many people in the alleged "Terrorist" attack, it also began a "War on Terror" that takes hundreds of thousands of people's lives, and gave the government the ability to put all sorts of extra security measures in the airports..such as the full body scanners that release radiation into your body which causes cancer)

                        If you don't think that 9/11 was an inside job... Then ask me and I will happily prove that it was.

                        Here's a documentary that will teach you alot about secret societies if you're not too ignorant/brainwashed to watch it...

                        Here's some information you didn't know about war...
                        Here's some insight and actual footage of the inside of Bohemian Grove which is satanic ceremony held by the elite of the US Government and secret societies

                        If you still don't believe and want more evidence, I'll come back on here tomorrow and link you to a few videos that have been banned from YouTube (It's after midnight and I'm tired so I just linked you to a few on youtube since i'm in a bit of a rush)

                        Here's a brief documentary about the Denver airport conspiracy

                        So there you have it folks... I hope I opened your eyes a little bit to the truth, I'm not some paranoid guy who thinks the music industry is ran by the Illuminati or something, there are some people who believe really dumb things like that just because of apparent subliminal message's in some music videos and stuff, but I actually research and have logical evidence to back up my beliefs on this. But at the end of the day, everyone's entitled to their own opinions, so believe what you want.


                        • Re: Illuminati.

                          Originally posted by IamHipHop View Post
                          Greetings to all of you ignorant ladies and gentlemen who are completley oblivious to what's going on in the world around you
                          I have alot of knowledge and facts that support the existance of secret societies, I don't even know where to begin. "Illuminati" is the most common used term to describe them, the original Illuminati was a secret society that consisted of wealthy intelligent men that formed in May 1st 1776. I am not talking about them specifically, I am talking about the major secret societies in general (FreeMasons, Skull & Bones, Bilderberg Group, Majestic 12) which are usually generalized as being the Illuminati. The definition of Illuminati is enlightened, these people are the enlightened elite, it doesn't matter if they don't go by the name Illuminati or whatever name they go by, the fact is...they are real.
                          If you question the existence of secret societies, watch George Bush and John Kerry confirm that they are members of Skull & Bones (The satanic secret society of Yale University)

                          Another thing people often question the existance of is the "New World Order". When the US Government/Secret Societies achieve the New World Order, means that they have decreased the population of the world to 200Million and they will completley rule/control the world; the whole world will be their slaves (Although they kind of already are)
                          If you question the existence of the New World Order, here's George Bush and his father both discussing it at press conferences... It's also kind of peculiar how Bush's fathers speech was on September 11th 1991 (Exactly 10 years prior to 9/11 which was the start of the NWO because not only did it kill many people in the alleged "Terrorist" attack, it also began a "War on Terror" that takes hundreds of thousands of people's lives, and gave the government the ability to put all sorts of extra security measures in the airports..such as the full body scanners that release radiation into your body which causes cancer)

                          If you don't think that 9/11 was an inside job... Then ask me and I will happily prove that it was.

                          Here's a documentary that will teach you alot about secret societies if you're not too ignorant/brainwashed to watch it...

                          Here's some information you didn't know about war...
                          Here's some insight and actual footage of the inside of Bohemian Grove which is satanic ceremony held by the elite of the US Government and secret societies

                          If you still don't believe and want more evidence, I'll come back on here tomorrow and link you to a few videos that have been banned from YouTube (It's after midnight and I'm tired so I just linked you to a few on youtube since i'm in a bit of a rush)

                          Here's a brief documentary about the Denver airport conspiracy

                          So there you have it folks... I hope I opened your eyes a little bit to the truth, I'm not some paranoid guy who thinks the music industry is ran by the Illuminati or something, there are some people who believe really dumb things like that just because of apparent subliminal message's in some music videos and stuff, but I actually research and have logical evidence to back up my beliefs on this. But at the end of the day, everyone's entitled to their own opinions, so believe what you want.

                          FUCK WiT DUNSTON, iMMA PUT MY FOOT iN YO ASS

