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So you want to go Greek?

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  • So you want to go Greek?

    So i thought it would be cool to have a thread for all the greeks to talk about things like rush, recruitment, etc. If you are a member of a greek organization, please comment with your Organizations name and chapter.

    (Kappa Sigma- Omicron-Phi)

    I figured being a member of a fraternity myself I would make it simple and post up some information about fraternities and answer any questions if some arise.

    1: What is a fraternity?

    A fraternity is a local or national organization of male students, primarily for social purposes, usually with secret initiation and rites and a name composed of two or three Greek letters.

    2: What is rush?

    Rush is a week which is used to entertain (a prospective fraternity or sorority member) before making bids for membership.

    3: What is a bid?

    A bid is an invitation given which invites you to become a member.

    4: What is induction?

    Induction is the ceremony after which you sign your bid and the fraternity accepts you as a pledge.

    5: What is pledging?

    Pledging is the period which you are not yet a full member of the fraternity but you are learning the custom, history, and tradition behind your chosen fraternity. Usually lasts 8 weeks or a semester.

    6: What is initiation?

    Initiation is the final stage of your pledgeship. This is the stage which you become a full fledged member of your fraternity. It's the most traditional and sacred part. This is the stage where you will undergo secret rituals and rights of passage.

    Every fraternity does things differently but this is the basis of what you will see and become accustomed with.

    Now that we got some definitions out of the way, here are some common questions.

    1: Should I rush?

    Yes. Rush is usually free but sometimes can costs less then 20 dollars. It's a great way to get out and meet new people. It lasts a week and usually is a week of parties where everything is provided. It's great for new kids on campus and even if you decide not to join (just because your rush doesn't mean you have to sign a bid) you still make plenty of friends.

    2. Should I join a fraternity?

    That is what rush is for. During this time, go to every house. Try to meet all the brothers. Rush is a chance to see if you could fit into a certain place. Every house at your campus is different. Some are the country boys, others are the preps, some are the jocks, and some are just laid back guys. Every house has something unique to offer which you can look into.

    3. Why is everyone in a fraternity douchebags?

    Common misconception. It's no different then having one bad apple in a tree which can ruin the look of the others. There are always going to be douchebags in every walk of life. You will notice the douchebags more often then the good guys because they will be the loud, obnoxious, and annoying ones. And if they are wearing letters, it not only looks bad on them, but the entire fraternity and Greek life itself. Again, this is why you should meet EVERYONE before joining. It's inevitable that every fraternity might have one or two dicks, but there will always be dicks in every walks of life.

    4. Is a fraternity just about partying?

    No, again common misconception. We do party, but we also make time for more important things. Every Greek association has a philanthropy which they use to raise money for their chosen organizations. You also will involve yourself in extensive community service hours. For new members, most fraternities require you to go to study hours so you can maintain your grades and develop study habits for future use. You also will participate in intramurals throughout the year and participate in school events such as Homecoming and blood drives. The Greek community gives FAR more then it keeps.

    5. I have heard of a yearly fee to be in the frat, is this true? If so, how much do they usually cost to be in, per year.

    This is true. You can view being in a fraternity like being in a club. Dues go towards upkeep of the house, social events, philanthropies, participation in intramurals, etc. Then you have to pay your national office yearly dues which helps to upkeep national events, meetings, etc. Also, to live in the house you have to pay extra dues which is kind of like living in the dorms, but usually cheaper and you are also living with some of your best friends.

    Dues also vary depending on fraternity and campus. This should be one of your primary questions when going through rush. Just ask how much yearly dues are. There are also fees for insurance purposes as well that every member has to pay and new members usually have to pay initiation fees and induction fees. The induction fees go towards pledge pins and books about the fraternity, etc. Initiation fees go towards member pins and member books, etc. If you ask, someone will gladly get the answer for you.

    If anyone has anything they think should be added to the list PM or post on here as well.

    "keep talkin and the flame leap off the hip and keep sparkin pap pap sleep softly"

  • #2
    Re: So you want to go Greek?

    cool story bro but I think i'll pass on your all boys club


    • #3
      Re: So you want to go Greek?

      I will also pass.


      • #4
        Re: So you want to go Greek?

        hahaha thats funny tha chronic but i hang out with alot of sig eps but not in it im not even in college the all go to CU


        • #5
          Re: So you want to go Greek?

          Well it's official, I don't give a damn about this Greek stuff.


          • #6
            Re: So you want to go Greek?

            ^^Lmao Tune. But yes, I will pass on rent-a-friend also

            "Mind so sharp I fuck around and cut my head off"


            • #7
              Re: So you want to go Greek?

              haha I guess ignorance is bliss..

              anyway, the thread is here for those who are members or are interested in greek life.

              "keep talkin and the flame leap off the hip and keep sparkin pap pap sleep softly"


              • #8
                Re: So you want to go Greek?

                Originally posted by gblundon2 View Post
                haha I guess ignorance is bliss..

                anyway, the thread is here for those who are members or are interested in greek life.
                Greek life? lol..i'm pretty sure real Greek people would be so confused and at the same time offended by that.


                • #9
                  Re: So you want to go Greek?

                  Originally posted by tha_chronic View Post
                  Greek life? lol..i'm pretty sure real Greek people would be so confused and at the same time offended by that.
                  again, ignorance is bliss... and its cool if your not interested im not going to argue with you over the internet

                  "keep talkin and the flame leap off the hip and keep sparkin pap pap sleep softly"


                  • #10
                    Re: So you want to go Greek?

                    greek represent first name is stavros greekest name


                    • #11
                      Re: So you want to go Greek?

                      Not particularly, but thank you for the offer.

                      Keep a couple wet wipes case' a bum tries to touch me,

