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# The Official Random Topic Thread

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  • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread



    • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

      Originally posted by Mr Xclusive View Post

      haha love it!

      "Love me or hate me, I promise it won�t make or break me"


      • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

        �ƒ‰�‚* �ƒ‰�‚* ♥

        Why is Chris Brown appearing on SNL tonight? I was under the impression that he had viciously and brutally assaulted his chances for a long-term career.
        I hate Chris Brown. The man does not deserve to live; or, at least, he doesn’t deserve to live freely. I don’t say stuff like this often, because I’m one to fly off the handle and start screaming death threats like a 14 year old scene girl whose mom won’t let her go see Brokencyde in concert. But Chris Brown disgusts me time and time again, and I cannot stand this guy.

        Chris Brown should be in jail. I despise him. For those of you who don’t really keep up with his crap (I don’t, although I remain privy to it via Youtube, the HuffPo, the Superficial, etc.) Last summer, he performed a Michael Jackson tribute at the BET awards. He was supposed to do it the year before, but then got caught up in that whole pesky “he almost bashed a woman’s head in a car door ” thing. But apparently, a year and a half later and a crying whilst singing “Man in the Mirror”, and he’s back to being almost as successful as he was before his little oopsie doopsie. And now, tonight he will be the musical guest on Saturday Night Live. Apparently, he’s rich and famous, ergo he’s above the law.

        Now, the concept of forgiving and forgetting is heart-warming and all, but how the hell could any reasonable person forgive this?

        I keep finding myself in shock time and time again when I see how fucking stupid some people are. I’m no Rihanna fan at all - I find her voice comparable to a buzz saw and/or vuvuzela, but more importantly than that, she set a horrible example to the young women who look up to her and may one day very well be caught in an abusive relationship, by going back to the woman beater - but seeing these pictures was enough to make me want to go out and beat his head in a fucking car door; but the sheer idiocy of his fans, and the people who defend him is stunning.

        Never mind that there’s a picture of her all beaten up and he confessed to the whole event. Clearly, he’s not in the wrong here.

        You know what, for a moment, let’s just forget that it’s Chris Brown or anybody remotely famous. Got that? Okay:

        Abuse is abuse. It doesn’t matter if you’re in love with the guy. There is almost NO reason a man should ever lay a hand on a woman in violence. If a man ever had any reason to hit a woman, bitch better have had a fucking gun in her hand. The fact is that women are at a severe biological disadvantage and simply are not as strong as men are. To ever abuse a women to this extent is cowardice and should be rewarded with life in prison.

        The fact that some of his fans - some of his FEMALE fans - can excuse something like this is just appalling and all I can think when they say, “I’m on urr sidee, Chris!xo Riri had it cominnn <3” is, “what a stupid fucking bitch.” I would think lowly of anyone who chose to hung out with him, or support him after this; and I hope for the sake of his female fans that no one ever beats them to the extent that Chris Brown beat Rihanna, because nobody deserves that.

        I am disgusted to be of the same species as this monster and even more disgusted to know that he will never suffer any repercussions for his actions. He didn’t before, and he most certainly won’t after now.

        People, in general, just disgust me.

        what the fuck?


        • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

          lmao this guy is crazy dope.. just look at his fingers , daaaaamn


          Araab Muzik - the guy who worked with Tunechi


          • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

            Originally posted by Pux View Post
            lmao this guy is crazy dope.. just look at his fingers , daaaaamn


            Araab Muzik - the guy who worked with Tunechi
            That's fucking sick! 6'7 at 5:23


            • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

              Originally posted by Pux View Post
              lmao this guy is crazy dope.. just look at his fingers , daaaaamn


              Araab Muzik - the guy who worked with Tunechi
              what the fuck, that's just crazy, nice find!



              • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

                I Got Fucked Last Night


                • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

                  Is Wayne performing at the Grammys today? Cuz KaneBeatz just twittered that he'll be performng with Busta



                  • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

                    Chris fucking killed SNL.

                    Best performance this year hands down.


                    • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

                      LMAO! Ice ice baby


                      • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

                        Originally posted by Kronnick View Post
                        he's been rather quiet the past year/or two... he was big, BIG in what, 08ish?
                        He produced Big Boi's first single "Shutterbug"
                        THIS AIN'T NOTHING TO RELATE TO.

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                        • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

                          Anyone got T-Wayne - That Flower (Damn Damn) in good quality + no tags ?

