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i like kicks.. consider myself a sneakerhead... so if i find somethin i like i do research, then i keep my boys n shit up to date on kicks.. and theres a few sneaker ppl up here so i keep em update on kicks they might like
when you buy a CD the files on there are .wav...each file is about 30-50mb, fucking large but best quality
FLAC is pretty much the same
320kbps is just huge .wav files converted to small .mp3 files
V0 VBR = pretty much the same quality as 320kbps (you won't be able to hear a difference) + it saves a lot of space because the bitrates are variable ~224kbps
and "CD rip" just means the files were converted from the real CD, no bullshit only stream rip/leak
CD rips can also be 128kbps for example
and "grouprip" means that a certain group of leakers (for example CR or H3X) got the album and they release it in proper quality (nowadays the standard is V0) and provide a picture of the CD to prove that they aren't bullshiting
transcode = low quality files were up converted even though the quality didn't change