Originally posted by Lil wayne prezident
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as long as the media is owned by the globalist that have an agenda, it will always be that.
The globalist want a one world government,
they cant do that if america still has their 2nd amendment,
they cant just come and take our guns , it will cause an uproar, and it will make them look like the bad guys
so they have to make the public people agree, that guns are dangerous,
think, how can we take away the 2nd amendment without looking like the bad guys?
By getting people to agree that the 2nd amendment needs to be gone,
how do we do that
by making guns look dangerous, when its a fact that guns prevent 2.5 million crimes a year
and that 93% of gun related crimes are from people with illegal guns, not law abiding citizens
taking away guns isnt going to diminish crime, people with still get guns illegally, and law abiding citizens will be unprotected from the criminals with guns.