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# The Official Random Topic Thread

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  • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

    why blank? it's not like you can't tell how many awards you have i thought the total awards thing looked lame on the side bar


    • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

      Originally posted by tha_chronic View Post
      why blank? it's not like you can't tell how many awards you have i thought the total awards thing looked lame on the side bar
      Well It ain't up to me so it's w.e


      • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

        I need the full version!
 || twitter


        • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

          you know what sucks?

          not backing up your music

          you know what else sucks?

          your laptop hard drive dying ....smfh

          *leaves LWHQ and goes to Bashing Movie Tunes to download a shit load of music before they shut down their blog*


          • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

            Originally posted by Mr Xclusive View Post
            you know what sucks?

            not backing up your music

            you know what else sucks?

            your laptop hard drive dying ....smfh

            *leaves LWHQ and goes to Bashing Movie Tunes to download a shit load of music before they shut down their blog*

            If they shut down there blog then just go to TJ&Friends... Their keeping theres up.

            If you need any help with other music, Hit me up.


            • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

              Originally posted by Mr Xclusive View Post
              you know what sucks?

              not backing up your music

              you know what else sucks?

              your laptop hard drive dying ....smfh

              *leaves LWHQ and goes to Bashing Movie Tunes to download a shit load of music before they shut down their blog*
              Bro , belie dat...I feel for you. It's happened to me 5/6 times's heart breaking.


              • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

                I lucked out....My 1TB hard drive with all my music failed on me...But luckily it was just the enclosure


                • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

                  So I just spent $50 on these wires to transfer all my music from my Macbook Air to my new iMac but then I realized you could share libraries as long as their in the same network and I even found out you could import that entire library wirelessly.


                  • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

                    Just to let you guys know we will be changing and adding some rules . Nothing to drastic but in light of other blogs being closed down and due to rumors about the government trying to close down more forums for posting album leaks, we will be locking the "other downloads" section of the forums for some time until everything blows over. We will also be kindly asking you not to post links to albums and maybe songs as this will attract unnecessary attention. You can however PM each other whatever and keep it on the down low. We will be keeping Lil Wayne, YM and CMB downloads section open however because most of the heat is coming from other artists besides them . We just don't want a small thing like this to ruin the whole of LWHQ if thats understandable. It should be just a temporary thing in my opinion.

                    I don't know when this is going to happen exactly but it will happen soonish if Danny goes ahead with it. It's up to him in the end as it is his site. I just wanted to give you guys the heads up.

                    EDIT: I think some of you will be asking what about free music like mixtapes? well ya that will be fine , if the other downloads section is locked you can just post that in the respective threads in the music domain section.
                    Last edited by tha_chronic; 11-30-2010, 10:14 PM.


                    • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

                      Never knew so many lames in my life



                      • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

                        Originally posted by JrockHQ View Post
                        Never knew so many lames in my life
                        Lol, why what happened??


                        • Re: # The Official Random Topic Thread

                          Originally posted by iGot5onit View Post
                          Lol, why what happened??
                          Too long of a story lol alot of hating going on


