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WTF Is This!? Big Bird Asks Michelle Obama If President Obama Was Born In The US On S

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  • #13
    Re: WTF Is This!? Big Bird Asks Michelle Obama If President Obama Was Born In The US

    No No No.... i know what the gov't is capable of, believe me, i do. But once again, YOU, my friend are naieve, especially letting "talking heads" implant disinformation and misinformation into your beliefs. This is EXACTLY what they want to happen and are trying to make happen, a mislead, misinformed "tea party" turning regular old citizens into cynical non-believers.

    Just TWO more questions, so i can prove my point to myself and stop arguing with a "sponge":

    First, did we land on the moon?

    Second, is Tupac Shakur Dead?


    • #14
      Re: WTF Is This!? Big Bird Asks Michelle Obama If President Obama Was Born In The US

      Originally posted by Kronnick View Post
      First, did we land on the moon?
      If someone said no to this, I'd stop taking them seriously.


      • #15
        Re: WTF Is This!? Big Bird Asks Michelle Obama If President Obama Was Born In The US

        Originally posted by YMCMFAN View Post
        If someone said no to this, I'd stop taking them seriously.
        Yea i stopped takin him serious when he said Obama wasnt born in the U.S. AND the gov't was responsible/coordinated the 9/11 attacks.

        And since he hasnt responded to my next two questions, now i know he's just recycling far-right political radicalism that he hears from Glenn Beck and other soul-less puppet-pundits. smfh at some of these ppl in this country. all those mother-fuckers ruined the country i thought my kids would grow up in, but i know that my generation wont fuckin have it anymore. From Dick Cheney, Bush's, to Rush Limbaugh, etc., you will pay for what you've done to OUR country. Trust that. Talk about puttin the "cunt" in "country", oh and i noticed something a couple of years ago, you CANT spell A.M.E.R.I.C.A. without "a crime". Thank you Republicans/Tea Partiers.


        • #16
          Re: WTF Is This!? Big Bird Asks Michelle Obama If President Obama Was Born In The US



          • #17
            Re: WTF Is This!? Big Bird Asks Michelle Obama If President Obama Was Born In The US

            Originally posted by FlashyScn View Post
            The same thing that's happening in the United States... people incapable of developing their own thoughts, so they regurgitate what they hear on FAUX News and idiotic blogs. "We don't agree with him, so he must be a communist/socialist/immigrant/and a reincarnation of Hitler himself." Poor empty souls, who have forgotten what ethical grounds this country was built upon. I cant just turn a blind-eye when i see statements like i did, especially on a fansite where the majority are young kids with their future flushed down the toilet, thank you to the greedy, power-hungry, so-called "patriots".

            And if you think i'm overreacting, all you have to do is watch a week of "The Daily Show" or "The Colbert Report", you'll see what i'm talkin about, and still be able to laugh. But in all actuality, its not funny anymore, this is a shell of the place i grew up in. The more days that go by, the more bleak our future looks.


            • #18
              Re: WTF Is This!? Big Bird Asks Michelle Obama If President Obama Was Born In The US

              Originally posted by Kronnick View Post
              The same thing that's happening in the United States... people incapable of developing their own thoughts, so they regurgitate what they hear on FAUX News and idiotic blogs. "We don't agree with him, so he must be a communist/socialist/immigrant/and a reincarnation of Hitler himself." Poor empty souls, who have forgotten what ethical grounds this country was built upon. I cant just turn a blind-eye when i see statements like i did, especially on a fansite where the majority are young kids with their future flushed down the toilet, thank you to the greedy, power-hungry, so-called "patriots".

              And if you think i'm overreacting, all you have to do is watch a week of "The Daily Show" or "The Colbert Report", you'll see what i'm talkin about, and still be able to laugh. But in all actuality, its not funny anymore, this is a shell of the place i grew up in. The more days that go by, the more bleak our future looks.
              Two of my favorite shows.


              • #19
                Re: WTF Is This!? Big Bird Asks Michelle Obama If President Obama Was Born In The US

                agreed 1000%... every mon-thurs. 11-12. i laugh, shake my head, my jaw drops, it really is eye-opening.

